Chapter 12: Way too comfortable

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Author's Pov

Her eyes fluttered open at the sound of soft snores coming her way. Soon enough, she realizes the strong pair of arms that were holding her from behind.

She doesn't even remembers how they both slept while talking to each other. They talked a lot last night and there was a sense of relief inside her heart.

She tries to scoot aside from his grip but he unconsciously pulls her back. His morning raspy voice whispers in her ears, "You are not going anywhere."

To be honest, Jennie felt creeped out at his morning voice. He already had a very deep voice so his raspy voice was kind of scary to her.

"Let me go." She struggles to get out of his grasp because he was that strong. Eventually, he leaves her and strangles the pillow beside him.

"Damn, what a child." Jennie whispers in annoyance as she looks at him sleeping soundly like an innocent child.

She decided to brush her teeth from the extra brush V gave her before. She freshened up and came back finding him awake.

His hair was messed up and his eyes were barely opened, although he looked very cute.

"Wake up, it's past 10. Don't you have work to do?" She spoke to him but he again lays down on the bed as if he was still sleepy.

"I don't have work today so I am going to sleep till afternoon." He said, in a low voice. She decided to let him sleep since it was for the better.

Two hours passed by, as she sat there bored. The maids already came and gave her the breakfast but that was almost one hour ago.

She frustratingly grunts making the guy wake up. He sits up, completely fresh as his sleep schedule finally got good.

He decided to freshen up and comes back with a little smile on his face. She guesses that he was in a good mood for some reason.

"Oh, my breakfast is already here?" He says to himself and munches on it like a child. Jennie looks at him, surprised. He acts like a freaking five year old.

She seriously questions if he is a mafia man or he is playing a prank on her. "Are you really V?" She asks him.

He looks at her confused by the sudden question but nodded eventually. He gulps down his food and asks, "Why?"

"Nothing. You don't act like the V everyone's is so afraid of." She asks, suspiciously. He shrugs her foolish conclusion and continues eating.

"Don't you have a real name? V is just a letter." She states, he finishes his breakfast and calls the maid to take the plates out.

He sat down in front of her and spoke, "I have but it's a secret." She nodded in agreement. She respects his privacy.

Another hour passed with them doing absolutely nothing and looking around. While he was busy going through his phone, she had nothing to do.

"Ugh, I am so bored." She complains. A devilish idea pops out in his mind hearing that. He keeps his phone aside and grin at her.

"Wanna do that?" She looks at him confused at first but then understood what he meant. Should they?

"What exactly are you going to do?" She questions as he moves towards her. He carefully lifts her and makes her sit on his lap.

She smirks herself at how desperate he looked. There was something between both of them, a heat they wanted to share to each other.

He slowly kisses her at first and she responds back with the same hunger. It soon turned into a steamy and messy make-out session.

He changes their position and hovered over her with his hands beside her head. He dips down to leave wet kisses on her neck.

She moans when he bites softly over collar bone giving her a hickey. She doesn't care what they are doing until she is feeling good.

He wasn't deciding on having sex today so he just lays beside her. She whines when he stops but soon it turned into breathless gasps when he suddenly touches her in her inner thigh.

He carefully caresses her womanhood making her needy. He continues torching her with his playful tricks and makes her sexually frustrated.

She steps back from his grasp and glared at him, she wanted him to do something to pleasure her not torcher.

He chuckles at her frustrated look. "Stop doing that." She again spoke, this time in words. While he continued laughing at her reaction.

"Fine I will." He said, knowing she doesn't want him to stop. She just wants him to stop teasing her.

He moves away and turns towards the other direction making her more mad. "I will kill you!!"

The burst of laughter inside the room made the beauty standing outside confused. Who exactly was this girl?

"I hope he hasn't fallen for a normal girl." She wishes, if Taehyung got feelings for a normal girl with clean background there would be a lot of problem.

He is heir of such a big mafia family, he can't marry a normal girl unless he wants her to die. There is a rule in their family that the children of Kim's could only marry other heirs.

And she knew their father wouldn't be happy if he came to know about Taehyung falling for a normal girl.


Hey, minies! Here's a chapter for you~

Hope you enjoy it!
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