Chapter 19: Stubborn feelings

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Author's Pov

It has been a month since Taehyung took care of Jennie and he didn't come to their room, Jennie has been feeling very nervous and cautious about his absence but Jisoo and Nayeon always insure her that he is just doing fine.

Taehyung has gotten himself into a problem related to Lee's case and is going on mission after mission and meetings after meetings without any rest, the case has become a dangerous game for them now.

Mr. Kim has right now called a meeting for the important members of Kim Gang to discuss the solution for this problem, which isn't good news for either Taehyung or Jennie.

"Why did you called us here, dad?" Taehyung asked impatiently waiting to go on the next mission, he enjoyed going on the missions anyways.

"For discussing the problem's solution my dear son." Mr. Kim exclaimed calmly, he was a wise man and after years of experience, he knew what to do better.

"What Uncle?" Jimin asked Jin who know everything about the plan stands up and turn on the projector to show their plan.

"The mission that you are impatient to go to is not the correct choice son." Mr. Kim said pointing out his son's mistake.

"Why?" Taehyung asks not believing he can make a mistake.

"Mr. Lee has come to know about someone stealing their drugs and he called me to ask for protection and I can't give them protection against my son, right?" The old man said leaving Taehyung guilty for his lack of not knowing the situation.

"He had a camera installed where you went yesterday and he has seen your face in it," This sentence left everyone quiet and shivered in fear, this was the last thing they wanted.

Taehyung face was a mystery and if someone knew about it, Kim Gang can be in a big problem.

"I am sorry, dad," Taehyung said, his voice and body filled with self-criticism and guilt for giving his gang trouble.

"It's okay we could handle him but now you need to marry his daughter more earlier." Taehyung didn't like this idea for some strange reason, why? was it because of Jennie?

However, he still nodded. "And I have heard that you got a girl?" His father's words made him stop on his track of crazy thoughts and he looked at him.

"Woah— was I the only one who had no idea about this whatsoever?" Jungkook asked, acting as if he was hurt. Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Yeah and that's not your business Jungkook." He said coldly.

"But still son why is she still alive? She has seen your face now and she might be an imposter, what if she expose you?" His father questioned him but he just chuckled,

"No she is just a pure soul I ruined she won't do anything." He lied, he wouldn't dream of ruining someone's life for his sake. His mother didn't raise him like that. Shrugging the thought, he went towards his room.

Opening the door of his room that he hasn't opened for almost one month he saw her sitting in front of the mirror, brushing her hair in a mannered way like a lady. He knocked on the door finally snapping Jennie into reality, a smile came across her face stunning Taehyung.

She came towards him and hugged his body tightly showing how much she oddly missed him, for this past one month without Taehyung the only thing that Jennie realized was, she has fallen in love with him.

Yes, she agreed on the statement that no matter how physical they get, how much they talk, love shouldn't be involved but unknowingly, she finds herself doing just that.

That was a dangerous game in the Mafia world and unknowingly Jennie was the most fragile, easy target for Taehyung but he couldn't resist too, hugging her small body and getting lost in her scent was also a thing for Taehyung and that stubborn feelings in his stomach was strong.

They both were too lost in each other, ignoring the fact that a presence was standing behind them. Her hands clenched in a fist and hatred in her eyes, she went to her uncle and told them what she saw.

The old man smiled warmly despite knowing the outcome of his son's action, he stood up and said, "Leave them." The girl was left dumbfounded and asked, "but uncle he is going to marry-"

"Let him be, it's his first time that a girl has been able to win his heart, let him enjoy." He answered, he always hated himself for ruining his son's youth and view of love because of the dangerous work he has to handle.

So this was the perfect opportunity for him to let the guilt die down. He smiled and went away.

Of course, this was the fact hated by her, how could that girl, who only came two months before won his heart?! She thought despising the poor Jennie. She stomped her foot on the ground and headed towards her room, angrily.

Here Taehyung and Jennie pulled out from their hug and Jennie embarrassedly blushed at her actions, she knew it was real, her love for him was real and here Taehyung is truly not believing the girl's behavior at all.

"Why are you so happy, partner?" Taehyung asked and she shyly answered his question, she can't believe herself still.

"Because you returned," Taehyung chuckled softly at her remark and unknowingly felt a sudden warm feeling in his heart as he looked at her eyes.

"Can I hug you again?" She asked nervously as she saw him taking off his shirt, he stopped on his track, completely shocked. Though, he nodded too.

"Thank you!" She exclaimed her gratitude and hugged him again despite him being shirtless, he was shocked today for the 100th time, what happened to her? He thought but still hugged her back.

It felt awkward as she was suspiciously nice today. Jennie was often grumpy and moody meeting him but today was the complete opposite.

"Why are you behaving so strange today?" Taehyung asked still not convinced of her behavior she just giggled leaving him overwhelmed.

"Nothing, I just want to be happy today." Taehyung nodded in agreement.

They both comfortably sat down on the bed and soon the maids came, bringing their food. After eating peacefully and having their comfortable silence between them, they decided to talk a bit about themselves.

Even they didn't know why? Why were they so close? Was it love? Or anything else is going through someone's mind?

Perhaps he finally was convinced or something else was going on his mind, he wanted to enjoy his time with her before he won't be able to do so as he was going to get married.

Hey, minies! Here's the update as promised :)
Hope you enjoyed reading the chapter~
Vote and comment as always!

Love you all,

Coldly Fragile || TAENNIE ✓Where stories live. Discover now