Chapter 32: Caught off the trail

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Author's Pov

The sound of the footsteps was loud in the silent room, the rough and heavy breathing of the person, tightened around the rope continue to become more audible.

"So, you did all of this?" His prominent voice screeched into her ears. The guy's hands that were holding a sharp knife made their way to her neck, drops of water from her eyes began to fall.

She shook her head trying to convince her love but he didn't care, he thought she will spend her whole life with him but no, she was an imposter, an intruder.

"You are dead now,"

{a Few hours ago. }

Taehyung and his team were constantly looking for tracing of the person who came inside and stole the papers. Everyone was trying their best, using their minds to the maximum.

Lisa was trying to look for any possible fingerprints, Jimin and Jungkook were going through the drawers and shelf to see if anything else is missing. Yoongi and Jin were checking all the cameras around the house.

Taehyung had his suspicion grown towards someone he didn't want to think of. He made his way towards Yoongi and asked, "Do you get something?"

"Not yet," he replied, they were trying to break through the imposter's codes so that they can revive the footage to the time the paper got stolen. Taehyung sighed and decided to go inside their secret gadget room.

The blue light scanned his face for security purposes and after confirming let him in. There was their private but famous scientist and gadget developer, Kim Namjoon.

He was very intelligent and wit-minded. Cleverness was his charm. "Greetings, young master" Namjoon greeted after adjusting his glasses. He smiled and raised his eyebrows wanting to ask why was he there.

"There has been a problem, Hyung," Taehyung said, Namjoon also trained with them but was quite centered and introverted type so he engaged himself in science since he was young.

His clever mind would always make experiments which surprised the elders so Mr. Kim decided to train him in that only. Everyone respected him because he made amazing gadgets that profited Kim Gang and made them stand out.

"Someone hacked us and we need to revive the footage," Taehyung exclaimed frustratingly, his mind is going to burst from these things and problems. Namjoon nodded rubbing his chin to get any ideas.

"Aren't Yoongi responsible for that?" The tall man asked and Taehyung nodded, "But the cameras were hacked and our codes are not breaking it," He explained and the other nodded walking to his shelf to look for gadgets.

He pressed a button which opened a hidden room, after going through few security settings, both of them entered the room. "What exactly happened?" Namjoon asked as he was looking for something.

"Someone stole my office keys and stole our property papers," He explained and the other nodded, "Ah!" Namjoon exclaimed as he finally found what he was looking for.

"Here take this," Namjoon handed over a security hacker device, "A few days ago I updated his system and now it can hack any footages that are deleted or hacked and bring them back, I think this will work," Namjoon explained.

"Wow Hyung! You always surprise us." Taehyung complimented him and he shyly nodded. The compliments always make him shy as he has a distant personality. "Okay okay let's go now." The tall man said pushing the younger out.

They both headed towards Yoongi's office room and found him still annoyed and filled with frustration. "Here," Taehyung gave the device to Yoongi and he looked at him confused.

"Isn't this to hack the security system? We need to revive it V, not-" Yoongi was ranting when Namjoon spoke, "I updated it to revive the deleted footages of hacked cameras." Yoongi and Jin's eyes widened.

"Wow, Namjoon!" Jin exclaimed and Yoongi without wasting a second inserted the device inside the computer system. The computer started to import the device's database and after finishing they all took a look at it.

"Okay, now search up the date and time," Namjoon ordered, and as said Yoongi did it. After doing everything they could, the deleted footage finally revived. They all sighed in happiness and success.

"Wow, Namjoon you sure are a genius!" Yoongi complemented and he again shyly nodded. "Call everyone," Taehyung ordered and Jin immediately went to call everyone who was still trying their best to find.

"Did you get it?!" Lisa asked almost shouting, the boys nodded making her nervous. Jungkook and Jimin entered with a few others files. "Did you all revived it?" Jungkook asked and Namjoon nodded making both of the boys happy.

"Hey, guys?" Nayeon spoke coming inside with a cup of coffee for Yoongi. "Oh hey babe," her husband spoke. "What happened?" Nayeon asked looking at everyone as they were somewhat very happy.

"We finally revived the hacked footages," Yoongi spoke and in somewhat shock, Nayeon spilled the coffee on the table and the cup slipped from her hands making it shatter on the floor. She nervously sweats looking at them.

"Oh- no problem babe, maids will clean this up," Yoongi said and she nodded. "Fast look who it is?" Jungkook exclaimed impatiently. They all nodded and Yoongi instantly switched on the footage. For a few times, it loaded in a bit.

"What?!" Yoongi shouted as it was not opening.

"What the hell!" Lisa shouted in frustration while Nayeon sighed. "Are you sure you did it right?" Namjoon asked while Yoongi nodded.

He again started to log inside the different codes but nothing worked. Everyone frustratingly sighed and Namjoon tried to login into the computer through the device again and again but nothing worked.

"I am going!" Nayeon said and was ready to go when Lisa said something stopping her in the tracks, "Try this code." They all looked at her as she handed them another code in the protocol notebook.

Yoongi nodded and entered the code. They sucked in their breath as the computer loads, their eyes widened and they all sighed when luckily the code worked. They all shouted in happiness and Jin immediately opened the footage.

Their eyes widened seeing the girl stole the documents in the footage. Their eyes turned to a particular person in the room. The person gulped and shivered in fear and anger.


Hey, minies! Sorry that I didn't upload yesterday, I was quite caught up in holiday assignments so I forgot.

Anyways, hope you like the chapter~
Vote and comment if you do :)

Love you all,

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