Chapter 18: Care.

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Author's Pov

Taehyung came outside the bathroom, wearing his casual clothes, and found Jennie just staring down. He came towards her and she snapped back into reality and sat up.

"What are you thinking about so deeply?" He asked, confused at her sudden silent behaviour. She shook her head.

He sat beside her, closely but she didn't move. Something was obviously wrong with her. He grabbed her shoulder, making her face him.

She halted in surprise when he dived in for a kiss. Delicate and smooth, full of passion and love, no dominance like she was the most tender thing in the world for him, she was melting inside.

This was it. The best kiss of her life, this was her first kiss for her. Her hands made their way onto his neck and she kissed him back, passionately. They both pull out after a good ten minutes and stared at each other for a good moment.

Jennie was shocked at her action but her naive self found it very amusing to kiss him. She wanted to do it again, over and over again. She was stupid. She thought, Why can't you stay like this forever with me? But wasn't that impossible?

She sat there in shock, afraid he will hear how fast her heart beat was. He just smiled. "What happened?" He asked caressing her milky white skin.

"Nothing really." She spoke, avoiding his tempting gaze as much as she could. A knock was heard on the door and maids came with dinner and then left.

Jennie hungrily looked at the food as she didn't even have lunch because her appetite was gone because of her periods and she was feeling more weakness. Sitting up properly like a good child who wanted her favorite candy, she looked at Taehyung eyeing her.

"What? I am hungry!" She said and pouted afterward, the period mood swings! Taehyung put his food and her food on different- different plates and bought near her as she just stared at the food.

Taehyung quietly ate his food as he watched Jennie eating the kimchi like her only source of life lies in it. Taehyung would always found her sudden mood changes amusing, she is just so different.

After their dinner, it was almost time to sleep and Jennie was ready to go the bathroom to do her night routine while Taehyung was doing some work on his laptop, he looks hot with glasses. Jennie thought but shook her head at this stupid statement.

After brushing her teeth with her spare toothbrush, she went outside but suddenly an extreme pain struck her in her abdomen again, she screamed while holding her stomach. Taehyung immediately stood up and came towards her, worried.

"What happened?" He asked and she just shook her head signaling him to go away but his stubborn self picked her up and laid on the bed, he worriedly looked at her and asked, "What happened?" She took some time to answer but eventually did.

"Nothing it just cramped." She embarrassedly said thinking it was a stupid reason to make him this worry, but why was he worried? She thought but was cut off when the pain again came and she groaned again, Taehyung worriedly looked at her and decided something.

He went inside the bathroom and came with a hot heating patch and laid on the bed with her. After turning the lights dim, he pulled her shirt up and placed the hot patch on her stomach, and soon she felt a bit reveal from the pain, she blushed at his actions.

"I am good now," She said pulling her shirt down but Taehyung didn't let her and he replaced the hot patch of water bag with his strong warm hands, caressing her stomach slowly, she felt so good, she could actually melt.

Good from his touch but bad at his care, she might fall in love with him, deeper if he will care for her like this as she never experienced this much care it was easy to win her heart by using this act.

Taehyung fell asleep as he was exhausted while Jennie was still frozen at his warm touch, she looked at the handsome sleeping guy beside her, their faces just inches apart. She blushed and pulled away but couldn't control herself to look at him.

He looks so innocent, she thought. She also noticed a small mole on his nose which was cute for her in some way she didn't know and wasn't aware of. She took out his glasses as she saw him struggling to sleep with them on, she was caring for him.

They both were so different, like heaven and hell. Not made for each other. But for some reason they both always found each other together, they felt comfortable with each other. It was against the rule of the universe, heaven and hell can't be together.

But we all know that even Lucifer was an angel at first but his life turned upside down because of his own mistake and he became the king of hell. It's the same here, Taehyung is that falling angel who needs to be caught before he falls deep into danger.

Will Jennie be able to catch him?

Hey, minies! I know today is not the secluded date to publish to but my internet connection is going to finish tomorrow and I am afraid I might not be able to update tomorrow so I did it today!

Hope you like the chapter, I know it's boring but it takes time to grow love so please wait for it.

Take care <3

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