Chapter 20: Past Talk

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Author's Pov

Jennie and Taehyung both sat down on the bed while the maids were taking out the dishes, after the click of the doorknob was heard, the two young adults made eye contact and Jennie just flushed at it while Taehyung didn't.

"Will we sleep now?" Jennie innocently asked looking at him with her dreamy eyes which were sparkling every time they looked at Taehyung, it was odd for him.

"No, I wanna talk to you." He said and she shyly nodded and holds his hand, surprising the man.

It was like a dream or a nightmare, Taehyung wasn't aware of but it sure gave him butterflies in his stomach that he hasn't gotten in years or hell maybe it was his first time, his cheeks flooded with redness by her touch and he tried his best to suppress it but she saw it anyways.

"What do you wanna talk about?" Jennie asked still grasping onto the male's hand.

"Uhmm a-anything." Heck, Taehyung couldn't believe himself he shuttered in front of a girl.

He looked down in self-shame and Jennie only smiled looking at his vulnerable side for the first time. Taehyung wasn't bad or born cold, he was also playful, goofy sometimes but only in front of his loved ones. Jennie was the first one who did this to him.

"Okay, then I will let you question me first." The girl said grinning ear to ear, the lad smiled a bit and suddenly remembered something about her that amused him the first time. "How did you ended up at the auction?"

The question darkened her face now it was Taehyung who was afraid of her, looks like he asked the last question that Jennie would accept. But he was still dangerous, and the power of hiding his emotions came into help, he quickly hid his nervousness.

It took Jennie a lot of internal fights to finally open to Taehyung, she loved him anyway. "I was tricked and kidnapped." She said sighing after, Taehyung felt a bit bad for her and listened to her emotions like her significant other, why? He didn't even know himself, he just wanted to.

Jennie was often dumb and opened up at the most random times to the most random people but this time it was Taehyung, the guy she unknowingly fell in love with.

"As you know about my parents. Growing up no one became my friends as they found me intimidating,"

Taehyung chuckled a bit and Jennie stopped mid-line, "Why are you laughing?" She asked and he answered,

"Who could find this cute face intimidating?" He said cupping her face and she blushed in response, "Stop it and listen!" She said pouting and cutely scolding him.

"Since I started working at 16, I wasn't able to get proper education and had lack of experience in the real world."

She slowly said and Taehyung finally understood why she didn't know some things that are taught in school. Anyways she continues.

"Because of my lack of education, I didn't get into a university and ended up working and earning very little money. My life wasn't worth it nor I was happy because I didn't even have any friends or any guy to cheer me up, so I was only lonely."

Taehyung was sad for her, here he realized how enjoyable his life was and how worse her was. "But you had a friend who you love so much that you didn't even think twice to stay with me even though you know how bad I was." He shamefully said, full of self-criticism.

"Of course Chaeyoung? She is my only best friend! She very cute and lovely, and you should listen to her voice she sounds like an angel! And you know she wants to be a doctor and help poor people, she is very thoughtful and kind to others, and she has a worth in her life that's why I chose her life upon mine."

Jennie said complimenting Chaeyoung a lot, Taehyung found why he felt bad for her. She was so wholesome and selfless who couldn't love her?

He was shocked that no one has ever dated her, how couldn't someone see her. But inside he was happy to be probably be her first time.

He blushed at his own thought of touching her again, the day was full of surprises for both of them. "Hey! Are you thinking about Chaeyoung?!" She scolded him while pouting angrily and feeling a bit sad. "No," He said surprised by her question.

"And you should not also, she has a boyfriend and he is a government agent, he will put you in jail." Taehyung was shocked by her answer and in curiosity asked,

"What is his name?" After all his gang was in contact with many government agents.

"Oh, it was uhmm yeah Jimin!" Jennie exclaimed after finally remembering his name, Taehyung just sat there in shock of his best friend's action, he needed to talk to him.

He further asked, "So, do they love each other a lot?" Jennie enthusiastically nodded.

"They are dating for the past year, they always kiss each other and spend time cuddling and watching movies, they are so romantic!" She said dreaming about her and Taehyung doing the same thing, she glimmered at her thoughts and Taehyung noticed it.

Ashamed by her thoughts, she decided to sleep. "Uhmm let's sleep." She said and smiled. They both laid down and Taehyung switched off the lights pulling her into his embrace.

She also scooted near him, smelling his scent and feeling his muscles because he was shirtless and couldn't resist touching his abs making the lad smile a little, his thoughts wandered to his best friend.

"We need to talk a lot, Jimin"

Hey,minies! Chapter for you as per schedule!

Hope you enjoyed reading it~
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Love you all,

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