Chapter 33: Torture

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Author's Pov

The knife was dangerously close to the girl's neck and even if she breathes, her body shivers from the cold metal on her skin. The tears were flowing slowly. While the guy just stood there, enjoying her state.

She betrayed him. Them.

"Why did you did that?" The guy asked, she only shook her head not wanting to spill the name. He smiled and slid the sharp knife making her neck bleed. She screamed aloud.

"Tell me." He commanded pointing the knife on her thighs this time but she didn't answer. Her thighs became red from her blood that was oozing out like crazy. Her breathing was heavy.

"So feisty?" Her screams became music to their ears as Taehyung cut her skin mercilessly but too slowly so that she can feel the pain like torture. "Still not?" He asked her and she finally nodded muttering, "I-I will"

They all sat down on chairs and Taehyung pulled her chin up harshly. "Tell us! Who ordered you to do this?" He asked shouting, he was furious. Raging in fear, everyone was mad. They never expected her to be behind this.

"I-I work for Mr. Yang as an assassin and I love him that's why I wanted to make him the heir of this Gang." She said sobbing, while everyone almost widened their eyes looking at her.

"Mr. Yang?" The old man muttered but everyone heard it, "So, she is the best assassin? Better than me? Haha, nice joke." Lisa said laughing as she took her steps forward, approaching the said girl.

"You are so dumb," Lisa said, her breath fanning on her skin as she cut her cheeks with her favorite knife. "You even threaten Nayeon," Yoongi said and she nodded.

"She saw me going inside so I did! She is a coward that she can't even fight back!" The girl laughed almost like a psychopath, Yoongi stood up with a dagger in his hand.

He never actually took his participation in this violence but this time it was for Nayeon. A few cuts for her legs and hands were enough to make her cry and look bleak which she already was.

He smiled cunningly and slapped her face a few times, after doing so he sat down on his chair as if nothing happened. She screams and cries but no one was feeling any sympathy for her. She looked at Taehyung to help her but he only smirked.

"C'mon we won't kill her that easily right?" Taehyung asked everyone and they all smirked in return. She shook her head, her eyes full of fear and horror. They started recording her state which left her dumbfounded.

"Are you sure we are going to do this?" Jungkook asked Taehyung as he recommended fighting with the opponents, she was from. Taehyung nodded but they all looked at Mr. Kim for permission.

"Let's do it. He broke my trust and Kims don't tolerate liars." The old man commanded and everyone cheered, excited for a grand mission. "But first get everything ready, then you can torture her." They all nodded and went to get ready.

She sat there, bleeding in a miserable state, eyes puffy and legs numb but he didn't care at all now. Jungkook went to his team making them ready to fight while Lisa went to her's shooting and a sniper team.

Jimin and Jin were checking the backup plans while Mr. Kim was making them with the help of the Im's, Nayeon father's gang. Taehyung was in the meeting room telling the other men what was their plan and how they are going to accomplish it.

Yoongi was hacking the cameras while Nayeon stood there, feeling guilty that she couldn't able to stop an intruder instead got threaten by them. She bit her lips and slowly knocked on the door making the guy turn around.

She knew he was beyond angry at her naiveness and somewhat helping the imposter but she was scared at that time. "Are you going to just stand there all day?" She halted in surprise when he suddenly spoke.

Her steps were slow and small, he pulled her to sit down on the chair and she gasped at his actions. He stared at her intensely while she gulped in return. "Yoongs, I-I am sorry, I should've-" He stopped her by hugging her shivering body.

She was shocked but couldn't refrain from hugging him back, the warmth of his body calmed her nerves down. "Don't need to say sorry, it was not your fault," Yoongi whispered into her ears and she nodded, sobbing a bit.

"But promise me you will tell me everything from now on." She nodded and promised him, pecking his lips in delight. Someone cleared their throat to get them out of their trance.

"Uncle is calling you Hyung," Jungkook said, restraining himself to smile from the soft side of his hyung he just witnessed. Yoongi nodded and kissed Nayeon's forehead before going with the younger to the meeting room.

Everyone was set, their skilled drivers and butlers were checking their cars and guns, making sure they take the best of best. Namjoon has made a ton of weapons that can blow a whole village in a matter of 15 minutes. Which was insane.

Everyone changed into their mission clothes, like bulletproof jackets and ballistic fibers to prevent any harmful damages on skin, again Namjoon has made those more reliable than those in the market which profited them as always.

Taehyung came back to the torture room to continue the shoot of the girl's miserable state. They would send this video to the gang she works for and then surprisingly attack them without any warnings.

He smirked at his master plan. He looked at the girl and she does it back. He doesn't feel anything towards her while she somewhat liked being with him, though it wasn't that much.

She was still in unbearable pain they all caused, well it was like this. Kims were known for their unbearable torture technique. They shouldn't have messed with them especially by sending an assassin inside their house.

She was having a hard time breathing, her legs were now put in cold water, which was freezing her, gradually turning her legs blue. Her cuts were awfully visible with bloodstains still on her milky skin.

He came towards her with an electric taser and smirked. She shook her head begging him but he put the taser on her painful cut and due to water, the electric shocks triggered her body. Screaming like she would lose her voice the next second.

Her eyes were red and she was shaking while her cries never stop but they all recorded this sending this to her gang. Taehyung pulled her face up and she hissed in pain.

"Let's see how your father will react to this, Stephanie."

Hey, minies!

Excepted this? lmao
What do you think will happen next?

Anyways hope you liked the chapter~
Vote if you did :)

Love you all,

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