Chapter 27: Change

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Author's Pov

Taehyung parked his car in their massive garage and looked at the two girls sleeping, he sighed and quickly made a call to his butler, within two minutes the butler was in front of him.

"Take her and the suitcase." He commanded pointing towards Stephanie's sleeping body.

"Sure Sir." Taehyung headed towards the other seat and opened the door, unbuckling her seat belt fastly, he catches her in his arms as she was going to fall. It reminded him of the night he brought Jennie in the house and he is grateful he did that.

Going towards the huge staircase Jisoo voice was heard, calling to him. "Taehyung!" The male turned to the beauty and motion her to shush down, pointing at the girl sleeping in his arms, though her dress was heavy he still managed to comfortably hold her, trying his best to not let her fall.

Jisoo headed towards her brother and looked at the beauty and smiled, "She looks so cute while sleeping." Taehyung glanced at his girl and nodded but then questioned.

"Is that why you stopped me?" He asked irritatingly, "No, Dad called me to say that Stephanie will be living in your room from now on." Jisoo said passing the order their father gave, Taehyung found himself in a hard place, he sighed and nodded.

"Butler!" Taehyung whisper shouted at the guard at the back and he quickly came towards his master, "Yes sir?" He asked.

"Take Stephanie to my room, okay?" Taehyung ordered and the guy quickly nodded going towards Taehyung's room.

The handsome male sighed looking at the beautiful girl sleeping in his arms and went upstairs towards the third floor, heading to his office room. He had a spare room beside his office and decided to let Jennie be there for now.

He laid her down on the soft bed but notice she can't sleep comfortably with that long-ass dress so he first undid her bun, took off her heels and dress.

Leaving her with only her black undergarments, she looks hot in those. Taehyung thought and tucked her inside the bedsheets, after making sure everything is good.

He gave her a peck on her forehead and went to his office, working for his next few missions. Going through some papers, his eyes stopped at one point, specifically on one paper.

He smirked reading the title, “Best places to visit in Seoul with your love partner.” It was a magazine, if it would have been a normal day, he could've shouted at Jimin for his carelessness as he is the only one who touches his papers and has a spare key to this room.

But today, he had two reasons for not doing so, First Jimin mood was awfully off since the party, and Second to surprise Jennie. He put the magazine inside the drawer and went back to his work.


Jennie's eyes fluttered open from the few rays of sun that were shining on her, she stared at the ceiling for a good five minutes before gasping that this wasn't the room she was always waking in.

Looking around, she found her heels and her dress on the floor and her being only in her undergarments, she nervously looked around for any signs of clothes she could wear and go outside to find where the hell she was, but there was nothing.

Negative thoughts began to engulf her mind like--

What if someone did something to me?

Did someone kidnap me?

Will Taehyung be able to find me?

Will I ever see Taehyung again?

No no, I wanted to feel him-
Jennie that's not something to think of now! Get yourself together!

She quickly stood up and went towards the door to see if it was locked or not but before she can even walk, Taehyung opened the door, perfectly ready in his suit. He smiled at her flustered reaction to see him.

She finally calmed down knowing this is a place of Taehyung only and sighed, sitting back on the bed. He went inside with breakfast he brought for her. Shutting the door from his legs, he put the tasty pancakes in front of Jennie.

She hungrily started to eat as she didn't eat anything since lunch last day, Taehyung chuckled when she choked on her food and gave her some water, "Slow down girl, the food is not running anywhere." She embarrassedly nodded.

"Why am I here?" Jennie asked referring to that 'this not your room'.

"Because this room has better lighting." Taehyung nervously chuckled and looked away, around the room noticing there is only one window, Stupid! He thought to himself.

"Don't lie to me Taehyung," The way his name slipped from her mouth was the best thing for him but that wasn't a thing to admire for now, "Dad ordered to let Stephanie live in my room," He slowly said and looked down.

Jennie knew this would happen one day but why did she felt like she was replaced? Was she even someone important to him in the first place? Maybe but of course not as important as his soon-to-be wife. She just hummed in response, hiding her tears.

He looked up to her, a tear escaped her eyes and she thought The timing. He wiped her tear softly and she only said, "It's okay she is your future wife anyways, I am not that important." He felt sad and disappointed in himself.

They both stared at each other, trying to find why did they fell into this trap. A trap of love despite knowing they won't ever be able to be together, not that Taehyung would mind cheating his 'fiancée' but their relationship would be defined as an affair and she has his mistress.

Did he made a mistake making her as his sex partner? He wonders if she was feeling hurt because of that.

Didn't we promise not to fall in love? They both thought at the same time, with the same expression on their face. They broke their promise.

Jennie always wondered how you would feel if you are in love- and here she was, already in it and yet not being able to describe it, has she ever confessed to him? Of course not. Neither did he.

She doesn't want to be in an affair but she can't even imagine her life without Taehyung now, he has taken her breath, heart, and mind away. Everything about her depends on Taehyung now.

She had given her everything, the power to control her. The remote to control her emotions. She doesn't care anymore about it because she trusts him, more than herself, or that's what you know.

Hey, minies! Another chapter today as promised :)
Hope you enjoyed reading it~

Vote and comment about your opinions because I am very excited to see your predictions about my story ;)

Love you all,

Coldly Fragile || TAENNIE ✓Where stories live. Discover now