Chapter 30: Intruder

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Author's Pov

Jennie was touring Chaeyoung around the mansion along with Jimin and Taehyung. While Jisoo was preparing some food for the newcomer, yeah Mr. Kim finally agreed, though he was very angry at first but Taehyung made him approve anyways.

Chaeyoung's eyes were exhausted looking at such a massively beautiful mansion but she wanted to see all. A butler came towards them dropping news,

"Sir, Madam Jisoo is calling all of you for lunch." Taehyung nodded and everyone headed towards the dining hall. Jisoo was happily waiting for them there.

"Hi I am Kim Jisoo," She introduced herself to the blond hair. Jungkook, Jin, Yoongi, Nayeon, and Lisa were also called to meet Jimin's girlfriend.

Nayeon gushed and teased Jimin for having such a beautiful girlfriend behind their back. "I will kill you if lied to us again." Jisoo threaten Jimin while he gulped and nodded.

"Hi, My name is Park Chaeyoung." The blond beauty shyly introduced herself.

"Wait- Jimin Hyung are you already married to her?!" Jungkook asked his short Hyung.

"No! We both just happen to have the same surname." Jimin explained, rolling his eyes.

"What if she is your lost sister?" Yoongi savagely said making the younger whine.

"No Hyung! I don't have a lost sister!" Jimin whined hugging Chaeyoung pouting. She smiled looking at their wholesome behavior, she doesn't regret coming here. They were really good people.

However Lisa was getting annoyed by new people coming, "Looks like this mansion is becoming an orphanage now," Lisa said making everyone look at her.

Jimin glared at her while Taehyung was also looking quite angry, others were disappointed at her rude behavior. Lisa was good from the heart but she doesn't get along with new people well.

"Lisa that's not a way to welcome somebody." Jisoo scolded her a bit while she only secretly rolled her eyes which didn't go unnoticed by Jennie. "It's okay unnie," Jennie said.

Everyone sat on the chairs to started eating when Stephanie entered the scene along with her maid trying to stop her, "Well, Well Am I not invited?" She asked coming downstairs, approaching the dining table slowly.

"No that's why we didn't call you," Lisa said sarcastically while she just rolled her eyes, "Don't forget I am V's fiancée, Linda or whatever your name is," Stephanie said bragging about it.

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