Chapter 16: What is happening to us?

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Author's Pov

They both laid in silent beside each other, gasping for air, their chest raising and dropping every breath they took.

There was a mischief in Jennie's eyes, one Taehyung couldn't tell no matter how good he was at reading people.

"Can I ask you a question?" The beauty whispered, a little taken aback at her sudden remark, he finally snapped back into reality and nodded.

"Is your real name V too?" She always wondered about it. The guy, who has swore to protect his real name from any outsider, couldn't think of any answer at that moment.

He sighed, she was his partner and he isn't someone who lies to their partners, even if they are sex partners. "Of course not."

"Then what is it? If you don't mind me asking." She proceeded. He again thought for a moment and decided to tell her.

"It's Taehyung." Unfairly, she found that name bringing a creepy feeling inside her. However, she couldn't describe what she was feeling.

"That's a pretty name." She wonders if she really meant that. Her heart felt a little poke, as if someone stabbed her with a needle but she couldn't careless.

"Can I ask you a question too?" He asked, without hesitation she nodded back. He replied truthfully so it was only she answered him honestly too.

"What was your job?" Though she was taken aback for a moment, it didn't matter as she instantly answered.

"I worked at a small manufacturing company as a retail worker." So specific. He thought but nodded in understanding.

"For how many years?" Another question left his mouth.

"Just one." A sudden silence spread across the room. Their bodies weren't covered with a piece of clothing, just a white silky blanket that probably costs more than Jennie's salary.

"What about you? Since how long have you been in mafia?" As if someone sealed his mouth, Taehyung stayed quite for some time.

It wouldn't hurt telling her, right?

"Since I was 16. I started my training back when I was eight though." She widens her eyes for a moment making him chuckle.

"Wow, weren't you scared? You know about, what if you messed up a mission." He slightly nodded giving the answer she wanted.

"Obviously I was. Though, I was trained as the best, there was no denying that I wasn't afraid. But I couldn't show it because we can't show emotions in front of anyone." He explained.

She felt bad for him, though the patriarchy has done horrible things to women, men weren't happy either. She can atleast show emotions to her friend and get comfort.

"I can't imagine being as strong as you."

He felt happy hearing that, no he needed to hear those words from someone. People feared him, sure but no one talked about how good he was at hiding his emotions.

It wasn't something to be proud of, most people will think that but still for a young guy who lived his childhood staring at guns and blood, this was quite an achievement.

He turned his head towards her, she was a beautiful mess. Though, her face wasn't looking the best, it did her justice showing such ethereal natural beauty she owned.

She had a proud gaze inside her eyes and not sympathy as he though he would see. And it made him fill with joy.

Because there is nothing more he hates than a pathetic sympathy. He wanted to mumble a small thank you to her but couldn't bring to say so.

"But how did you started fucking women?" He gulped a little at her sudden question, she went from angel to devil real quick.

"It wasn't something intentional okay? I was sexually frustrated one day and ended up in a stranger's bed. Yeah, it started that day." He explains himself.

She chuckles at his explanation, how naive he looked doing that. "What?" He asked in a whiny voice, he didn't like when someone teased him.

That's his job.

"Nothing, why are you even bothering to explain yourself?" It made him wonder too, why was he explaining such things! It wasn't like she was his girlfriend or something.

He turned a little red in embarrassment. No one would believe that he is the most feared mafia heir right now.

Because for Jennie, he was nothing more than a small fluffy dog right now who was flustered. "You really shouldn't tease me like this partner." She nodded, still laughing.

Soon he burst into laughter himself, the sudden happy atmosphere was a shock to both of them inside but outside, they were enjoying how things were going.

Jennie was still tangled in her past questions while Taehyung couldn't remember his past. They were two very different person.

And yet, engulfed in each other's scents and enchanted by one's laughter made them soothe and forget everything.

Hey, minies? I am sorry for not updating again, but I wasn't getting any ideas on the next chapter and my results were also in my mind so it has been a total mess for me!

Anyways, I think I will make a schedule now so that you will know when will I update as updating every day has also been hard for me, so hope you understand.

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