Chapter 34: Décès

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Author's Pov

The steady footsteps of the person made their way to the large kitchen. Body covered in blood, which wasn't his. Sweat was rolling down his forehead as he fixes the machine below the countertop. It was the middle of the house as Yoongi said.

His breath hitched as the timer started, he quickly made his way towards the front door. He was going to make it to the gate when suddenly a sharp pain struck his head from behind. Someone hit him.

He turned around and punched the person in his eyes and stomach but the man fought back. Their fight was intense, the time was passing by easily and he should've been outside till now.

A last kick on the stomach and the man's body made a thud sound as he drops faint on the marble floor, blood oozing out from his legs. He smirked looking at the body but quickly remember about the time.

His injured members were waiting outside the mansion in the car, some of them already lost their consciousness. The leader's eyes caught the glimpse of the coming figure outside the door but before he could see if he made it out...


The mansion blew away and the old man quickly sat inside the car to protect himself from the explosion's surroundings as some objects flew around and busted up. A few tears evident in his eyes and the other young guy patted his back in despair.

"I will miss you, my son."

Everyone sat in the room as their family doctor was checking the injuries of the people. Mr. Kim was still in a bit of trauma from his son's death. Taehyung died. They thought he would be able to make it before the explosion but alas he didn't.

Jisoo was a crying mess while everyone else was looking miserable. Jennie knew nothing about that. She didn't go out of her room because Chaeyoung said so.

Chaeyoung didn't want to tell about Taehyung's death to Jennie this soon. She knew how much the girl will break once she heard about that. Neither Jennie was aware of the imposter thing and Stephanie's death because no one told her.

Jimin was getting comforted by Chaeyoung as she tries to calm him down. Lisa and Jungkook were also comforting each other first time without fighting. Jin was still finding Taehyung's body from the explosion area but they just couldn't able.

Yoongi was also very quiet and was comforting the crying Nayeon, Taehyung was everyone's favorite. Yes, he was cold but never disrespectful.

Jennie sat in her room still feeling uneasy about something. Her breathing a bit rough and she had this feeling that something was wrong with the way Chaeyoung told her to stay in her room.

She looked at her and Taehyung's photo she took on the phone, he gave to her. They looked so happy, with him showing his boxy smile to the camera while Jennie was looking like a clown in the back.

They took this picture when they both were trying to draw but Taehyung ended up drawing something on her face making her look like a joker. She laughed at the memory, he was extremely dorky sometimes and Jennie loved him for that.

His mood swings and duality always give Jennie a different feeling and she doesn't know what will happen if he won't be with her. He was her everything and she has said that a lot of time without showing her intention.

His light kisses to their amazing cuddling nights, she adored them all. She passes her time, scrolling through all the pictures they took together. She still does feel uneasy and a bit off but still decided to ignore it.

A knock made her face turn to the door and she shouted a little 'come in' into the person. Jennie smiled as Chaeyoung came inside the room, she hugged her younger best friend and the lass just weakly smiled.

"What's up?" Jennie asked cheerfully and Chaeyoung just shook her head. Jennie noticed the uneasiness in her friend's behavior and asked, "What happened?" The question caught her off guard.

"Uhmm unnie.." Chaeyoung started in a very low voice, she was afraid to break her best friend's, the purest and the most innocent soul's heart.

She was too fragile. A few tears left her eyes and Jennie immediately panicked. "Chaeyoung what happened?" Jennie asked, wiping the tears off Chaeyoung's face.

"Unnie Taehyung.." She was sobbing and Jennie has started to become very scared about whatever situation that has entered her life yet again.

"What about Taehyung? Chaeyoung tell me!"

"Taehyung died in an accident!"

Jennie sat there frozen, her heart clenched and shattered in a million pieces, and felt like that each piece was pricing her heart slowly.

Her breath became heavy and loud panicking Chaeyoung. Her chest going up and down and she was feeling pain every second of it.

The tears were coming out non stop and her head was going dizzy like she was on a roller coaster ride.

Her body was shaking and she knew it was a panic attack. The memories of her mother's death and her moments with Taehyung came.

"Jennie unnie!" Chaeyoung shouted shaking her but she couldn't hear it, Taehyung was her everything.

How was she supposed to react other ways? Her breathing was shortening like she was going to die.

Her mind stopped reacting just giving her the trauma of Taehyung's death. His voice, face, touch, everything came, haunting her like ever.

She felt like that was her mistake, why? she doesn't know. It wasn't her's but she couldn't think of anything else.

"He can't leave me!" Jennie shouted, holding her head. She was looking so depressing and her state screamed misery. The misery of her loved one death.

Her eyes and mind went black, her body felt light and she could hear some faint voices but all She could think was of him.

She loved him so much that if she could exchange her soul just to see him again she will gladly do that. She would lose herself just to talk to him last time.

Just to see his smile, to hear his soothing voice, and to say out aloud, to clarify to him, that she loved him. Loved him to the moon and back and just hope he does too.

Hey, minies!

The end👀?

Don't come at me because of this lol. I know this was unexpected but who knows what is going through my mind, only I know.😼👻

Anyways, hope you liked the chapter~
Vote if you did and comment about what you think will happen next :)

Love you all,

Coldly Fragile || TAENNIE ✓Where stories live. Discover now