Chapter 39: Hurt

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Author's Pov

The half-bald man sat on the chair, the feeling of happiness engulfing his body in every moment that passed by. Looking at the two heavily breathing, faint bodies.

The guy he has been waiting for almost a decade opened his eyes, groaning from the heavy pain in his head. "Ahhhh!" He shouted and the beauty beside him opened her eyes from the sudden voice.

"Oh, you are finally awake." The man said eyeing the young man. "Who are you?!" Even though he was trembling because of the pain, he still managed to shout, threatening the old man but the other didn't care at all.

"Stop shouting you moron!" Taehyung flinched, his voice was unknowingly similar to his own.

"L-Let us go!" The girl beside Taehyung whispered, begging as her voice was low.

"Let her go, you old hag!" Taehyung shouted, anyone could do anything to him but not her. If because of him she would get the suffering, he would never be able to forgive himself. He loved her beyond the words.

"You can't talk like that to your father." The old man exclaimed, Taehyung sat there confused but still without any clue shouted, "You are not my father, fucker!" That was it, a strong slap came across Taehyung's face.

The guy trembled and almost fell from the strong impact. The girl who was sitting beside him weakly whispered his name, "Stop doing that Tae, they would only hurt you more."

Taehyung looked at her, "But Jennie, I can't let them hurt us like this." She shook her head and smiled.

"Just stop, Taehyung." The old man looked at them and rolled his eyes.

"Oh look at two love birds! My eyes are ruined now oof." Taehyung gritted his teeth, not knowing what the fuck was his problem and why were they here anyway.

"What do you want?" Taehyung asked calmly. The old man laughed, the annoyance level of Taehyung was beyond his control. "Oh I don't want anything, just need to tell you something." He replied.

"What do you wanna tell me?!" Taehyung asked, angrily. Looking at Jennie's weak state his rage was increasing more. "Well you know as I said, I am your father." Taehyung scoffed loudly, chuckling after.

"Oh, don't laugh you moron. Don't you remember the time when you were small, went to a carnival with your mother but she never came back? Did ever your real mother came back? No right, yeah Because she was afraid to lose you, she thought I was a bad father, but why would I kill my son?"

"I would have caught you back after killing your real mother but that bastard, your new father, Mr.Kim already took you. They were dangerous so I didn't mess with them but I always planned on how to get you back, my son."

"I did everything I could, from trying to kidnap you to invading in Kim's businesses. I put my life in danger so just I could get you back, I love you, my son. I love you very much."

The old man spoke, explaining everything to Taehyung. Jennie secretly rolled her eyes at the sudden soft side of the ass man. Taehyung took some time, unable to remember.

Soon the memories of his real mother when he was very little started engulfing his mind. The moments he spends with his mother were now very vivid and clear.

His mind became weak from this sudden revelation truth of his life, he always thought Mr. Kim was his real father and Mrs. Kim his loving mother. Why did he not remember this? Why all these things are coming back now?

"So you are my real father?" Taehyung asked after a long silence in the darkroom. The old man nodded smiling. "And yet you killed my real mother?" His question left the old man stunned.

Taehyung laughed hardly, his laugh came almost like a maniac. The old man irritatingly scoffed and smiled finally coming up with an answer, "Well she tried to lie to me and made my son forget me! She deserved it!"

Taehyung annoyingly looked at him, already bored at his stupid remarks. Yeah, he spends the least time with his real mother but the memories of his real father, which was, unfortunately, this old man never entered his mind.

"Whatever. Why did you bring us here?!" Taehyung asked and the said guy smiled, he raised his hands, and finally, almost a hundred men that were hiding in the dark corners of the room till now came in light.

Jennie smirked looking at them. "Are you trying to kill us?" She asked as the old man hungrily eyes the girl. "Well, I won't let such a beauty go to a waste, would I?" Taehyung blood boiled while Jennie just disgustingly rolled his eyes.

"Oh, I didn't tell you one thing-" The old man started going towards them. "I also sent several assassins in your house but they all just got caught. How unlucky." He scoffed and Taehyung chuckled.

"Stephanie was your assassin, right Mr. Yang?" The old man smiled cunningly and nodded shamelessly. "Such a coward girl you sent. I don't think any of your assassins would have been able to do anything after our amazing security."

The old man laughed, "Just if you knew," Taehyung stopped and looked at him questioning. "I have started sending assassins since you were little, so I don't think you should laugh because my work is already done."

Taehyung was nervous trying to remember any of his members who were suspicious or suspect but no one came to his mind, everyone was his family. "Trying to remember who is it?" Mr. Yang asked, smiling.

"The moment I knew you were going to that club, I sent all my beautiful assassins as "products" and one of them was able to do the thing you never imagined." Taehyung breath hitched when Yang, went towards his girl.

Opening the strands of the rope, he made Jennie stand up and she successfully did like she wasn't hurt just now. "You were stupid to believe anyone Taehyung." Taehyung shivered and looked at her while she smirked.

"Hello V or should I say Taehyung, I am Ruby Jane. The most skilled assassin in the underground world."

Hey, minies!

SURPRISE!!!! How you like that? Expected or unexpected?
Tell me in the comments!

Anyway I hope you liked the chapter~
Vote if you did :))

Love you all,

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