Chapter 22: Tour

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Author's Pov

After everything that happened in Taehyung's office, he was a bit tense. He went to his bedroom for a rest and found Jennie laying on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Finally, acknowledging his presence Jennie hurriedly went to him and hugged him, warmly.

She clung to him and dug her face in his crook of the neck, he picked her up and she gasped at his sudden action.

She looked at him happily as he showed her appreciation, something she was longing for from him. He chuckled as he saw her face turning red.

"What are you doing?" He asked her, it still amuses him on how childish she behaves when she gets comfortable.

"Partner, you are becoming weird." He spoke looking at her. She jumps from his grasp onto the ground and smiled.

"Nothing, I am feeling so much better now." He nodded, she wasn't the same grumpy women he first met but rather sweet and childish.

"Hey! I wanna go outside." She pleaded, it has been literal ages since she went out of this room.

"No." He coldly replied, without thinking or hesitating. It would be risky if others saw her.

"Oh okay." She whispered, however she really wanted to go out.

Taehyung mesmerized by her actions and because he didn't like her being sad, sighed. "Fine," He said, it wouldn't hurt much, right?

Jennie quickly looked at him, faster than light with hope in her eyes, grinning wide showing off her gummies. Taehyung gulped at her cuteness, she was a dangerous game.

Getting too excited with his acceptance, she jumped and clapped her hands like a child and in excitement gave Taehyung a peck on his lips, he was taken aback by her actions put smugly smiled when he noticed she became embarrassed with her doings.

"C'mon we have done more than that." He teased her, taking the perfect opportunity to do it. She flushed, remembering everything.

"It is different now." She muttered, however he couldn't understand what she meant.

Opening the door of his room, Jennie finally was able to see the hallways. She lived her for certain months and yet she never tried to go out, she was loyal to her promise.

"Wow!" Complimenting almost everything expensive or amazing she sees, Taehyung just took her to all different places around the house. The dining room, kitchen where maids were working, several rooms that weren't even touched, showed his front yard, which had a beautiful fountain.

Coldly Fragile || TAENNIE ✓Where stories live. Discover now