Chapter 11: Rules

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Author's Pov

Taehyung came back at night to his room. The girl was laying down on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

He decided not to bug in since he was frustrated himself because of his works. He changed his clothes in the bathroom and came back in a few minutes.

Jennie was still unmoved. "Hey, are you even alive?" He asks her, she clicks her tongue in annoyance making him grin in satisfaction. He just wanted to annoy her.

"What are the rules?" She gets straight to the point, he smirks and lays down beside her on the bed, a little far away from her.

"Well, there isn't much. I guess basic rules only?" He wasn't sure himself, he has never done something like this before so he had no idea whatsoever.

Rule no.1 - Don't go outside without my permission.

Rule no.2 - If anyone asks about our relationship, you have to tell them that I bought you for my needs.

Rule no.3 - Don't talk to anyone or try to run away because you know the consequences.

Rule no.4 - Your life is in my hand so you better not snitch on me.

Rule no.5 - We are sex partners so no feelings should be developed.

Jennie raises her eyebrows at the last rule. Like she will catch feelings for just anyone. She nods in agreement with what he said.

This isn't hard to follow, she has gone through way worse things than these. She can definitely get pass through this situation.

"Well, that was easy." Taehyung awkwardly said. He had no idea what to do with her.

"Can I ask you one thing?" She proceeded to talk first, he nodded asking her to speak.

"Why are you making yourself as a bad person in front of your family? I mean, you don't need to tell them that you are forcing me into doing things when you are not." She spoke.

There was definitely a reason behind it. He wanted to show his family that he is dangerous and ruthless so that he could become a mafia boss.

He never once forced a girl into doing stuff with him because he respected boundaries, there was no need for him to force someone to have sex with him when girls were allowing him to do whatever with them.

But that doesn't mean he wasn't bad, he had killed several people and had participated in murder, robberies, and prosecutions.

He was well known by his nickname V and was never called by his real name unless they are his family member.

His real name was a secret to everyone.

"Were you born an orphan?" He asked her a question, she didn't spoke anything for a few minutes making him anxious that he might've asked something he shouldn't have.

"No, my dad left my mother when he found out she was pregnant by me because he thought he was too young for it. But my mom died when I was 5 and after that I lived with my aunt until I was 16." She explained.

She has overcome her past and was more open about it to others.

"You look like you have a big family, though." she stated in despair. It must be so nice to have a family that cares about you.

"I do have a lot of cousins. My real sister is Jisoo, the one you met yesterday. I have a funny dad but I don't have a mom." She looks at him at his sudden confession.

They both had something in common after all.

"It sucks, doesn't it?" He nodded at her sentence. They both stares up ward towards the black ceiling, in silence.

"Do you have a hobby?" She asks, they were trying to open themselves to each other just because they felt like it.

"Yeah, I love shooting." She shook her head, what else she should've expected from a mafia man? She chuckles a bit at his response.

"I see. I love designing clothes." She confessed, she doesn't really open to strangers but they will live with each other so why not just confess their feelings.

"Which do you prefer, cat or dog?" He asks a silly question. Her mind fills up with the pictures of her dream pet.

"Dog, specifically a pomeranian!" She sequels in excitement. He widens his eyes because that was exactly what he liked.

"Omg same! I love pomeranian too!" They both gushes out like some teenage girls and ended up laughing.

"You don't look like a mafia man when you act like this." He nods himself, he always wanted to have a relationship with someone where he could clearly express himself.

Because Jennie hasn't seen his ruthless side, she wasn't really scared of him which gave him a sense of relief to show his weird side.

He was always expected to not express his emotions and likes to others because it can always be used against him.

So, he really cherished those relationships where there was just pure fun. None of his family member really knew about it.

Jungkook probably was the only one he showed his goofy side too because they both were equally interested in one thing but the rest were often serious.

Even Jimin, his best friend was quite serious whenever it came to opening himself to him.

"For now, you are not talking to a mafia man. There is a lot colder world out there." She nodded at his words.

But one thing for sure, she enjoyed talking with him. Whether or not he was a mafia man, he was quite nice to her.

Hey minies, sorry for the late update but I was kinda busy today... Anyways hope you like it~

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