The Potion

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—Mew's POV—

i was at seven eleven,buying some chocolate and bread when i saw a guy from my university standing in the middle of the road,while looking at his phone without caring if there's a car about to hit him and he might is he serious?! i mean if he want to suicide then use another way dude don't use this way. he can just go and hang himself in his room while listening to sad song. but then he's still in the middle of the road and i saw a car about to hit this psycho nerd so i ran and saved him...tbh i don't even know why i did that. i could just be careless about this and mind my own life, but maybe because im nice?yeaah totally-

he's looking at me with a shock expression. what?am i that hot untill he couldn't take his eyes off me? damn he's eyes-raping me now.and then i realized that im still hugging him on the sideroad.i immediately let him go and then i looked at him again,damn he's still looking at me without any words- that's creepy as hell,but...cute.wait,what am i saying?naah mew suppasit you must be crazy now.

"Are you okay?You were on your phone untill you don't even noticed that you're in the middle of the road " i asked him

"I-im o-okay ahah-uh i mean yes im fine-ah no i should say okay not fine-b-but its the same-uh YES IM FINE AND OKAY. thank you!you're so hot-EH I MEAN NICE,u- uhhhmm this is my apartment so see ya!THANK YOU AGAINNN MEWW,GOOD NIGHTTT"he said while running to the lift. i just let him be,what a weirdo tho. a weirdo..a cute weirdo,Nah i started again, goddamn i really need some rest i think my mind is broken.

[Tommorow morning]~~~~~~~~~~~~~

—Gulf's POV—

UGH.i can't sleep last night. IM SO NERVOUS LIKE HELLA NERVOUS. UGH I JUST RUINED MY SECOND APPEARANCE YASTERDAY AND NOW I WILL HAVE TO MEET HIM AGAIN AGHHHHHHH. im so sleepy and tired tho...i can't even focus in my classes. im having my science classes now and we need to mix two potions to make a new potion,ugh i hate science now

"take the first one and mix it slowly" said the professor

i don't even hear what he said. well i guess i will do it the way that i want then,i don't really care if i fail this not in the mood tho. so i just mix anything that i want too and then the potion started to smell so caught the professor's attention, ah im dead.


and then i immediately bring the potion out of the lab and then i accidentally drop half of the potion in someone's drink- bro its not my fault tho who the fuck put this can of sprite infront of the toilet?so i just run away with the other half of the potion. well then if someone died...nobody gonna suspect me right...?GOSH IM NOT ON MY RIGHT MIND RIGHT NOW.

—Mew's POV—

i went out from the toilet after im done with my business in there. damn i shouldn't eat that expired bread,fuck you joong. he gave me an expired bread.i will surely punch his frickin face once i got a chance to. i took my drinks and then i drank it.after like 10 minutes,im starting to feel dizzy,i saw a nerd walking by,i don't even know why im walking to him,and then its all went black.

—Gulf's POV—

i was heading back to my lab when i saw mew standing like a drunk person. and then he came at me and fainted. i was shock and panic at the same time so i ended up brought him to the sick room because that's the nearest place that i can go.

i waited untill he's conscious. once he's awake i went to him and asked if he's okay or still feeling worried sick. well of course i am...he's my crush for god sake.but he didn't even answered my question,he kept on looking at me like he just saw a ghost. well i guess he's gonna think im weird,again.

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