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sorry for any typos,happy reading <3

—No one's POV—

Mew woke up with Gulf by his side,looking like a total fallen angel.He hugged him from the back as he kissed the younger's neck,leaving marks.

He don't really want to think about the problems right now. He looked at Gulf with desire in his eyes,thank god,he's so perfect in Mew's eyes. Mew caressed Gulf's tummy gently,kissing it while talking with the babies.

"Good morning babies,be good with mummy okay?poor him,he have to carry both of you.Daddy love you"

Mew said as he kissed the tummy once again before he woke up from the bed,and took a bath.


Gulf woke up without mew by his side,and started to get panicked. He stood up quickly and searching for his Mew. He went to the kitchen,but its empty,same goes to other rooms,Gulf started to cry out of nowhere and it's actually because of the pregnancy hormones.

"Babyboy..?Are you okay?Why are you crying darling?!What happened?"

Mew spoke as he just went out from the toilet,with towel on his waist and water dripping on his chest,plus his wet messy hair. Gulf ran to him and hugged him hard once he heard Mew's voice,he felt safer when Mew's there with him

"i-i though you left..."

Gulf said sadly as he's sobbing,while Mew's calming Gulf down.

"I will never leave you alone,baby...You can trust me on that,I promise "

Mew told him,want to make him rest assured...He knows that his baby was having a hard time to process what's all happened in the blink of an eye. The guilt,the jealousy,and boom it turned out he's pregnant...It must've been a hard time for his baby.

"Babe..." Gulf called him

"Yes darling?" Mew answered him

"Promise me that you'll never leave me.." The younger said as he sat on the bed,holding the older's hand while the situation's getting calmer,but at the same's hurt,the younger afraid that the older would leave him one day..Cause he realized that with this "lover" relationship,He got nothing to keep Mew with him,Mew can leave him anytime when he's bored and Gulf will be alone...He realized that Mew got the power over him..He can't live his life if Mew isn't there with him but he can't just end his life because he needs to take care of the babies...The younger's getting worried...Gulf thought...

'Is it even love or am i obsessed with him?What does this relationship even mean...Yeah we're belong to each others but there is no guarantee that it will last forever. I have nothing that could make him stay with me if one day he decided to leave..'

Mew noticed that his baby was feeling anxious and worried...He don't know why he's so scared about it,Mew himself sure that he will never stop loving Gulf,even though the whole world,family and friends were against him,he will be by Gulf's side till his last breathe,through thick and thin,he will be the one who will hold Gulf's hand. Gulf should have trusted him and their relationship,but he understands his baby..


Mew called the younger


The younger answered while the older wore his clothes and sat down beside him

"Lets get married."

Mew said while holding the younger's hand...As the younger was shocked. Mew smiled as he took a little box with ring in it,and put it on Gulf's finger

He got on his knee and kissed Gulf's hand before he asked...

"Gulf Kanawut...Will you marry me?"

Gulf was speechless,he's on the cloud nine...He just want to say yes yes yes a hundred times and show off the ring to the world

"But Babe...What about our parents..?What if one of them didn't agree..?"

Gulf asked Mew as the older's blood suddenly ran cold...Mew remembered how Gulf's father almost killed him. But he will do anything for his father to accept Mew as his son-in-law. He will do anything. as long as he will accept mew.

"So gulf...please,accept me?"

Mew hugged Gulf and kissed his cheeks again and again,as both of them fell on the bed and cuddled and mew kissed him slowly

"babe,i will accept you if you can live with my parents for 3 weeks. Agree?"

Mew went quiet...'oh am i supposed to survive?Did he want to kill me or something?' mew thought.

"okay. I will do it,but....can i have an insurance tho..?incase,i died."

He's not joking,he needs it ( #prayformew )


Gulf laughed out loud,looking at Mew's terrified face. 'oh god,he is so cute' Gulf thought while pinching his cheeks

"Okay babe,pack your things...We're going to visit my hometown" Gulf said as he went and took the bags

"....BABY WHA-" Mew will die soon.


done new chapter <3 do you think that mew will ever succeed to get gulf's parents permission?

gulf's dad: IN DREAM




Mew: Yes baby tell him😤

Gulf's dad:...WOIII done. btw please vote if you like it❤️thank you and stay safee <3

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