Let me explain!!

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—Gulf's POV—

That's all that i can feel now. i slowly opens my eyes,as the brightness hits my eyes...the first thing that i saw is a white ceiling...

"DOCTOR,THE PATIENT'S AWAKE" i heard someone's yelling...calling the doctor. so im at the hospital..?what happened to my baby..? that's the first thing that came on my mind

i wake up slowly...fixing myself on the bed...then i saw P'Mew sleeping besides my bed,holding my hand tightly...his face was full of tears,his eyes were puffy...and his nose were red...he looks different than i know...he looks like he's sick..

"Babe...?" i called him while slowly caressing his hand

"B-baby..?You're awake..?is this r-real..?please tell me it is...please...i can't stand losing you anymore..." He said while holding my hands tightly before started to cry again

"Babe...please don't cry...i'm here,yes babe i'm here,this is real.." i know i should ask him about the night where there's a person sent me a massage about sleeping with him...but i don't think now is the good time. i will ask him later

then the doctor came in with the nurses

"so...mr.kanawut,how's you're feeling right now?any pain?dizzy?or itchy?"

the doctor asked me

"nope...there's no pain or dizzy. doc,what happened..?"

i answered before i asked the doctor,im so confuse right now...

"You're coma for almost 2 months..."

What...?2 months? then what happens with my baby?my angel...i can't lose them..i can't i just can't.

"D-doc...d-doctor...what about my baby?the baby is safe right...?please tell me that the baby is safe...please.."

i was scared...my blood ran cold while mew kept on holding my hand,giving me some strengths

"The baby is safe...but you have to eat a lot to recover the protein and vitamins that the baby needs"

Thank god. my angel is safe...after the doctor told me about my condition and how long should i stay here,lastly i got some times to have a personal talk with Mew...

"P'Mew...on that night...there's a boy sent me a picture of you,shirtless, sleeping soundly besides him..and there's a lot of hickeys..care to explain?"

i asked him while looking at the window..i just can't look at him right now. he's the reason why i almost lost my angel. i just need an explanation

Mew looked at my as he's carresing my tummy,before he started to explain

"i didn't lie to you baby...my mom do called me to help her to finish some stuff,but i don't know that she also called Prem to join...and prem is...poom's little brother..he's mad because i left his sister for you,so he wanted to ruin our relationship. if you don't believe it,you can ask poom. i was sleeping that time and i don't even know that he came in my room.and about the hickeys,those hickeys are fake..its all make up. when i woke up,my whole body was full of make up...i swear baby..why should i cheated on you?you're more than enough for me..i love you so much,i love our baby so much...you got no idea how much i cried when i found you lying on the floor unconscious with blood flowing out of your head. the guilt that i felt...i even swear to god if something bad happens to you i'll fuckin hate myself. 60 days i didn't even leave you side...i stayed here,besides you,crying all night until i fell asleep. hoping that you'll be safe...i lost my appetite..i lost my happiness when i saw you lying unconscious and its all because of me.im sorry baby,im so sorry..."

Mew said as he started to burst into tears again...what a crybaby..well,he's my crybaby...then i noticed that his face looks like he got punched...

"babe..who punched you?"

he stopped crying and looked at my while pouting

"Your pho(father) did,it hurts so much!i got punched in the face 3 times,one for having sex with you,one for making you pregnant and the last one is for leaving you alone until you fell off the stairs"

then he took my hand and put his face on it,while pouting...poor him,haish pho,you shouldn't do that- i'm not a minor,im already 24 years old! then i realized something...i've been coma for like 2 months...doesn't that means the potions effect...supposed to be gone by now..?then why p'mew still acting as there's nothing changed..?i slowly lifted his face and looked into his eyes

"Phi...to be honest,i accidentally dropped some potions into your drinks,and i think that's why you're suddenly in love with me...i-im sorr-"

then mew puts his finger on my lips,cutting my sentence

"Shush...baby...i already knew it,and its okay,im not gonna leave you"

What..?he already found out...then why didn't he freaks out?and be mad,and yell at me?

"you're not mad..?"

i asked him,even tho im scared,and i think this is a stupid question.

"Why should i?you accidentally did it babe..and plus when the potion effects gone..i already started to have a crush on you,yes when i first found out about it,i was mad..but after i saw the way you treated me,your clumsy self...then facts that you always listen to my problems and always tell me how much you loves me...i fell in love so deeply that time,so i decided to act like i don't know anything and play along,and you know the night where you fell of the stairs,i was supposed to suprise you a week after,and confess to you about this..but i guess the plan doesn't went well"

again...what did i do to deserve this kind of guy in my life?he always being loud about loving me,he will tell me how much he loves me in his speech,and makes me feel loved...he never hides his love for me and always give me affections,attention and love. even tho before this he was a wild playboy...still now he's mine!

"awh babe...that's sweet,thank you babe,i love you soo muchh!!"

i was about to kiss him when win stormed into my ward,followed by bright that calmly walked in and closed the door.


Win yelled while jumping excitedly like a bunny,bright blushed while looking at him,before he looked at and and went near to me

"Hey gulfie" bright greeted me

"ah hi phi!" i smiled at him

"feeling well?"

"yeah phi,thanks for asking"

"no problem gulfie,make sure to rest and eat well for the baby, trust me i'll be the coolest uncle ever"

bright said confidently,well,i thought the same tho not gonna lie

"Yeah yeah whatever phi baii!! but i hope my child wouldn't be a player like you and p'mew,or else...i'll blame you guys!"

win and i was laughing while bright and mew started to be scared of what i said,i mean who wants their child or nephew/nieces to be a player?

then i heard someone opened the door madly...

"You...gulf kanawut...WHAT A BITCH YOU ARE"

Done!new chaptersorry for the late update,as usual,busy with assignments😭btw i hope you enjoyed this chapter!if you do then don't forget to give a vote❤️that would help me a lot!and i didn't proofread this so,sorry for any typos/mistakes.by the way...should i update the other story(love?bet!) on the same day or maybe later?tell me what did yall think about!have a good day darlings!🤍🤍

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