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(Sorry for any typos and happy reading❤️ btw look at our cute MewMew giving us a mini heartt!!🥺❤️)


—Gulf's POV—

I woke up due to the sounds of birds chirping,and also the sounds that i heard from the downstairs. I slowly got out from the queen bed,as i didn't see Mew anywhere. 'Where is he?' i thought as i took a bath and went downstairs. It's already 10:00 A.M and i saw my beautiful mae serving the dishes on the table. There's Khao Pad(Fried Rice), Pad Krapow Moo Saap(Fried Basil and Pork), Som Tum(Spicy Green Papaya Salad) and Gaeng Daeng (Red Curry).

"Ah son,you're up!Come here,take a seat" Mae greeted me while taking the glasses and put it on the table,while i'm still confused,where is Mew?

i looked around again for the 100th times but still,there's no sign of my sexy boyfriend a.k.a husband to be. I gave up and sat on the chair disgruntledly.

"Are you okay son?" Mae seems to notice my unsatisfied face very well,she looked at me while arranging the plates on the dining table.

"Im okay na... But where is P'Mew?i haven't seen him since this morning" I asked her while i took a glass of water and and drank it,trust me carrying babies in your tummy isn't as easy as you think it is.

"Ah,your pho already took him to his little farm to help him clean the goat pen,and sweep the dry leaves."

I chocked on my water. okay firstly what did my pho think of?Is he out of his mind?! My boyfriend was born with silver spoon in his mouth! If there's even a little cuts or wounds,My parents-in-law wouldn't like it. Ugh poor my big baby,he must've been exhausted by now. I really shouldn't brought him here,now i regretted it. I was in a deep thought when i heard someone's opened the door and got in the house,who else it supposed to be if it's not my pho. I stood up quickly and looking for my boyfriend,is he okay? Im worried sick about him. I went out to see him lying on the ground looking all worn out. He looked so tired and his face was full of dust and and sweats.He got on his feet quickly once he saw me,and went to me before he hugged me and puts his head on my shoulders,pouting.

"Baby...It was so hot at there,and i'm so tired.." My big baby whined about how tired he is,i chucked and he looked at me sadly.

"Evil...I did this for you,and instead of giving me kisses,you laughed at me."  He said before he looked away,as the pouts still on his face and he cleaned his face using the water that i gave him,

I looked at the person infront of me,thinking about how lucky i am for having him in my life,as my lover. To be honest,when i first met Mew...I never put hopes or expected him to be one of the person that will be loving me the most,forever. But fate wanted us to be together...And i'm happy that he still loves me even tho the potion effect's already gone.Seriously,i'm the luckiest person that ever existed. I smiled softly and kissed him,he looked at me with a little shocks,before he kissed me back as we're holding each others. He pulled me closer and to him and deepening the kiss that we shared. The wind blows gently,and the sky started to be lighter as we're sharing loves and kisses under the blue sky. He broke the kiss and gave me a peck on the cheeks.

"We better stop now,or else i wouldn't guarantee that i can handle myself. Plus i don't want your pho to saw this and kill me" He said while smiling like a kid that just got a candy,i nodded while holding his hand and we went in.

"There you are,i really thought that you already went out leaving us forever with that city kid" Pho said while rolling his eyes and took a sip of the coffee. I don't understand him sometimes,like its me who is gay,not him. Why so pressed? I wanted to make his heart boiled even more,so i decided to sit on Mew's lap,infront of him. Pho's eyes went wide while Mew's blood run cold.

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