Tell them lies

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—No one's POV—

Gulf was sitting on his bed comfortably while scrolling through his phone

"Haish...the dress is so pretty...i wonder what will pmew say if i wear it."

Gulf then slowly get up from the bed and went to the kitchen to find something for him to eat.He opened the fridge and saw a cake with a note,gulf picked the notes and read it

"i know that my baby is craving for something sweet,so this is for you darling,eat well and tell the baby that their daddy is missing them badly :( "

Gulf chuckled,' so cute.. ' he thought

He took the cake and ate it happily,waiting for his boyfriend to come back home after he's done with his classes. And yes,Gulf decided to take online classes because of his pregnancy.

He was eating the cake peacefully when someone knocked the door.

'wait...Pmew is home..? nah that's impossible,He still gots 2 classes left..' Gulf thought. Then he went to open the door and... He saw Prem standing infront of the door,while crying.

"What are you doing here..?" Gulf asked him coldly while looking away.

"P-P'Gulf,can we have a talk...?please.." Prem said while sobbing

Gulf looked at him,deciding wether he should let him in or not

"mhm. get in." Gulf said shortly

"Thank you phi...thank you...thank you so much.." Prem bow downs again and again until Gulf asked him to stop

They went in and sat on the couch in the living room. Prem's looking on the floor quietly and stuttering while wanting to say something

"if you got something to talk about,make it quick. I need to prepare myself to welcome my boyfriend when he's home." Gulf said sternly

"O-okay...phi..i-im so sorry for calling you a bitch at the hospital...i wasn't on my right mind..i-i was mad because he chooses you over me,but now i don't"

Gulf didn't respond and kept on looking at him.

"i-i think now i know why P'Mew choosed you over me..i mean, you're all way better than me,and i will never be able to get P'Mew's attention if you're there... im so sorry phi gulf... i realized my mistakes back when P'Bright told that if you love someone,then you'll let him go..So i gave up..."

Gulf rolled his eyes before he said "that's all?"

Prem nodded his head slowly and smiled

"C-can we at least be friends...?" Prem asked Gulf with a low voice

"Am i supposed to trust a person that almost kill my baby?" Gulf asked him coldly as he started to stand up and looked at the younger madly

Prem stood up and went closer to gulf before he whispered..

"And tell me i supposed to trust a person that stole someone's boyfriend for his own sake..?"

Gulf stunned...And Prem whispered more..

"Am i...Supposed to trust a person that ruined his own childhood best friend's lovelife for his own happiness..?

now tell me phi...Who's the bad guy in this situation..?"

Gulf looked at Prem with anger in his eyes,mixed with guilty..

"i...i..its like.." Prem cutted his sentence

"Its like what phi..?You're trying to prove that its not your fault even tho it is?Yeah P'Mew love you now...But he loved Poom first...What will you feel if i suddenly use a love potion to make P'Mew fall in love with me? You'll feel sad right..?"

Gulf looked down...and started to feel bad for ruining Poom's relationship. He's holding his tears from falling down..

Prem hugged him and said

"im not mad at you...i just saying that because im stressed out..My sister used to be so happy..But i guess now,Pmew love you,haish its fine..Lets just forget about the past and be better okay phi? P'Mew is all yours,I'll have a talk with Poom about this" And Prem gave Gulf a warm smile...Gulf nodded slowly as he wiped his tears.

Prem smiled again as he brought Gulf to the kitchen and accompanied him finishing the cakes. Then they talked about a lot of things,like music,fashion,food and others..

2 Hours passed and now Mew's Home, He saw someone else's shoes on the outside of the house and he quickly went in...

"Prem..?" He asked confusedly as Prem went to him and hugged him

"Ah phi! You're home. Sorry Gulf and i were talking about some random things,plus im sorry for what happened at the hospital...i regretted it for real..." Prem said as he held Mew's hand and took his bag and placed it on the table

"Phi gulf...Phi mew... after this i won't be disturbing your life anymore,this will be the last time" Prem said sadly

"Aow...That's sad,we have a lot of things in common" Gulf said while finishing his tea that Gulf made earlier

Mew looked at Prem,as he feel like something isn't right..Prem isn't a type of person that will say sorry and be nice with his enemy or someone that he hates...

Then Prem asked Mew and Gulf to stay in the living room and rest while he's doing the dishes... Mew sat on the couch while hugging his baby gulfy,missing him after like a day without him. And Gulf chuckled to see his boyfriend acting all baby with him...

Then Prem came in with a cup of hot chocolate,and put it on the table in front of Mew...

"Phi...i went to buy your favorite hot chocolate earlier,but its turned i made a new one...We used to drink it a lot whenever we hang up together right?And i just want to see you drinking this for a last time,before i go away from your life...Can you do it for me..?" Prem said as his eyes started to be shiny because of the tears again...

Mew felt bad for him,even tho he's being childish and unreasonable,he's still his friend...And he also got his own problems..They were once a best friend and they thought that its gonna last forever..

"Sure thing,prem.." Mew said as he picked the cup and adjusted to drink it..

While Prem's holding and trying to hide his evil smiles cause his plan works well...


Damn- done again...well yeah, be prepared i guess,cause the real storm is about to come and things are going down...leave a vote if you enjoyed it,that would help me a lot...(not in a good mood and mentally crying to see its all going down) :') okay bye.. take care..

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