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[early update!!!!so yeah sorry for any typos or grammar mistakes,please enjoy this and stay safe!if you love this then pleaseee leave a vote❤️thank you and i love you🥺❤️]


—Gulf's POV—

i woke up as the i heard my alarm ringing,i turned it off,its already 11 am...still early for me tho. im looking for my boyfriend,cause he's not beside me when i woke up...i guess he's in the toilet?well im wrong,after i searched him in the whole house,i still didn't found him. WHERE THE HELL DID HE GO? its still aching down there,but its not as much now because p'mew already puts oil on it last night i guess. im hungry.. what should i eat?then nine called me

Nine: Heyy bijjj

gulf; hey

nine; uhm you okay?you sounds pissed

gulf: how am i supposed to be okay?pmew isn't here when i woke up. like where the hell did that dick go?

nine: uhm with mew- because its his d-


nine: Yow chill bij- im just kiddingg

gulf: whatever- btw what do you want? its weird of you to call me just to ask if im still alive.

nine: well,there's a new cafe just opened nearby to our university,lets go there today

gulf; wait didn't joong worked part time there as a barista?

nine; yea i know that's why i asked you to accompany me-

gulf: Wait you want to meet him-?


gulf:....yep i knew it you want to get closer to him,its okay bij i got your back

nine: eh- even tho im uh- yeaa whatever thanks bijj. now go changes to something nice,I'll be there in 20 minutes

gulf: okayy okayy bye bij-

nine: heh bye-

i knew it- nine also likes joong- but he's not gonna admit it for now...again,why am i his friends?

i showered and changed into my outfits,ate some breads and fruits because im too hungry- i also ate a pain reliever so he won't make a joke when saw me limping. then then arrived and pick me up,we used his car to go to the cafe,

damn i can't deny it- nine really want to get joong's attention this time. he wore a nice white buttoned satin shirts with a crop top,and a slim light blue jeans,with a beanie and a simple makeup,damn that eyeliner tho- what a feminine.

after 10 minutes driving,we arrived the destination. not gonna lie the cafe looks like a place that i would go if im craving for cakes and sweets,its so cute and simple! we got in the cafe and took a seat,then i saw someone...its mew. and he's hugging poom,wow. what a view tho. i went out and leave nine there. like,i know i should go and ask him first if there's a missunderstood,but i just can't. what if the potions effects gone last morning?and mew is asking poom to take him back..?i don't know what should i say when he come back home scared. he will hate me for sure...i was running while crying like a mad person,scared about what will happen tonight. he will hate me...he will surely hate me... i can't stop thinking about it.

i went back to my home and texted nine,telling him that i can't be with him for now and sorry for leaving without telling him. i can't help myself from being over-thinking. my hands was shivering as my blood ran cold,i was biting my lips non-stop until its started to bleed. its all grey now,this is the end. mew will hate me. he will hate me for sure. my head's spinning as i started to feel heavy and sleepy,and i ended up fell asleep...


—Mew's POV—

i was at the cafe,buying gulf's fav cakes. i planned to go here with him but i don't can't wake him up when i saw him sleeping soundly like a baby!so i decided to buy it by myself and suprise him. when i was waiting my order to be prepared,there's a girl sat infront of me. its poom..

"hey mew" she said

"hey poom, what are you doing here?"

"im here to talk with you about 'our plan' . how is it going huh?"

"ouh,its going well. gulf is still clueless until now. i made sure to also talk with him while's he's sleeping,incase he suspects that im acting."

"good job mewwie,just wait for 1 month left,then we will do it."

"okay poom,btw i miss you so much"

"i miss you too!"

then she stood up and hugged me,i hugged her back,this feeling...its been a long time since i last hugged her. she excused herself to go and she said that she will tell me if we need to talk about it again next time,well ofc we will.i took the cake and went back home

gulf was on the bed sleeping soundly...i went closer to him and give him a soft peck on his forehead,its only 3 pm right now. i took a bath before i make sure he didn't found the "things" that i've hide from him...he can't see this...or else the plan will fail. i kept it in a box,lock it before i hide it in my secret place. then i decided to rest for a while before wake him up...i think he already woke up because he's wearing another outfits and not in his pyjama..his lips looks like he just got stings by a bee tho. is he okay..? i laid down beside him and looked at the person beside me...he looks calm,unknowing what will happen to him next month. i laughed a little bit...caressing his face...

"just wait for it gulf...after 1 will be crying so bad,because there's something happens that changed your life...100%. you deserved it tho....after those things that you did to me."

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