The Lovely Ending

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(Happy reading and sorry for any typos❤️)

—No one's POV—

Mew went out to the hospital cafeteria to buy some drinks and snack for his lovely Gulf,It's been 2 weeks since he gave birth and Gulf can go home in 3 days.

Mew already paid and on his way to the room when he noticed there's someone else in the room with Gulf. He opened the door and saw someone that he hate the most....Kao. He was holding Gulf's hand while they're chatting happily without even noticing Mew's existence there.

"Excuse me?I'm back i guess." Mew said while walked madly to the table beside the bed and put those things on the table

"Ah P'Mew,you're back!Thanks for the food" Gulf said while taking the food and opened it,looking at the grumpy Mew.

"Oh wow,i guess this 'Kao' is really better than me i guess,no more 'babe' ? So now its 'Mew' ?" Mew spoke while eating the chips,don't even spare a sight for the younger and his friend

Gulf decided to ignore it because for him,Mew was being unreasonable. He already gave birth to Mew's childs. It's more than obvious for others to know that he is Mew's. Alex suddenly cried and then Mew was about to go and carried him up when Kao did it first.

"'s okay...papa and daddy is here,shush..." Kao said while rocking the baby gently. Gulf chuckled softly

"awe Kao,he does looks like you...It's weird but true" Gulf said while Kao's holding Gulf's hand using the other hand. Mew went silent.

"Yeah,Alex does looks like his DADDY,Kao." Mew said before he went and kissed his daughter and son's cheeks and about to go away. Even tho he's mad,he can't just go away without kissing his children's cheeks.

"What about me???" Gulf asked while pouting,Mew glared at him before he said "Won't Kao be jealous?I don't want you to be mad if i do make him jealous."  Kao noticed how Mew got angry and missunderstood,he didn't mean daddy as himself,he meant 'papa and daddy' as Mew and Gulf cause they're both in the room with him.

"Babe...Why you're acting like this?" Gulf asked the older as he's holding Mew's hand,not letting him go.

"I don't know,GULF."  Mew said sarcastically as he looked away and the younger was looking seedy. Kao placed the baby gently back to his places as he stood up and excused himself,it ain't nice for him to just sit there and watch a couple fighting.

As the door closed,Guld held Mew's hand tighter. Mew looked at him for a second before he continued to look away.

"What's the matter?" Gulf asked the older but he only got a silent as the answer.

"Babe...Are you jealous?" The younger asked the older again,but still...No answer

"Babe,answer me." Gulf spoke while Mew still ignoring the younger

"Daddy...Please" Then Mew pushed him to the bed and looked at him furiously

"Listen here Gulf,you better don't test my patience. I don't like it when you're with him. OR EVEN OTHER GUYS. i'm not joking around,YOU BETTER KNOW WHO YOU BELONGS TO,and it's me. Your body,soul,heart or even mind...IS MINE. Don't you dare to be with someone else. Yes im jealous,happy?Im so fucking jealous to see that small not even an inch dick holding you hand. Only i can hold this precious soft hands. do you UNDERSTAND?" Mew said dominantly while the younger was looking shocked. Gulf slowly nodded and apologized. Mew smirked and kissed him hard while dominating the kiss,stealing Gulf's breath until he couldn't breathe. Mew made the younger stares into his eyes and Gulf slowly lost in those dark orbs

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