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—No one's POV—

2 months has passed. and now gulf and mew is dating each other. Gulf still remember the day where mew asked him to be his boyfriend...that will remain as the best day in his life,the day where god decided to make his life all way better..

[Throwback on the day mew confessed to him]


". . . . . ."


". . . . . ."

he called mew a few times again but still,no answer. he went to the bedroom,nobody. then he went to the bathroom,still nobody. And then he went to the kitchen but still there's no sign of his Mew.

"he went missing for the whole day,and he don't even give a fuck to call me and at least tell me what he's up to." Gulf sighed and then he went to the fridge to take his ice-cream but then his phone ringing,gulf picked up the call

"hello win?"


"Win...what happened?are you okay?"




Gulf heard win yelling while running,his voice was full of fear,then he heard win yelled



"the garden next to the park-"

and the call was out of the line. gulf's blood runs cold.

Gulf took the key car and raced to the destination. he's worried about win..and mew...what if there's something bad happen to them..?he will hate himself forever for sure. he arrived the destination within 15 minutes. he ran to the garden and searched for any sign of win or mew. then he saw a rose on the ground,he picked the rose and then and he realized that someone had left the rose petals for him to follow. he followed it and then he saw a card writen "walk 10 steps to the right and CLOSE YOUR EYES. or will loose your lovely cousin" . then he walked ten steps to the right and closed his eyes slowly, full of worry...

"im not supposed to do this...what if they kidnap me?" gulf can't stop himself from being over-thinking...but then..

"Open your eyes baby"

he heard mew's voice. he opened his eyes and then he saw one of his dreams come true... mew's in black coat while holding a bouquet of roses,smiling at him while looking at gulf like he's his world.

then he looked behind mew and saw a table with some food that he loves,the settups looks perfect in his eyes...he can hear the song "perfect" by ed sheeran was playing in the background and then mew went closer to him and whispered to his ears...

"I have faith in what i i know i have met AN ANGEL IN PERSON,And he looks PERFECT.."

Mew held his hand and kissed it,then he got in his knee and asked him..

"Will you be the salmon of my shushi..?"

Gulf chuckled when he hear the way mew confessed to him

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