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(Sorry for any typos,and happy reading!!❤️❤️)

—No one's POV—

Mew went out of the car with Poom,Win and Nine. He took the gun and unbuttoned his suits before he walked to the old building and kicked the door open.

"COME THE FUCK OUT." He yelled while walking in the building. Nine walked besides him and suddenly the door closed.

"he's here" Nine whispered. Mew nodded as he went to the room where he saw a light. While nine decamped to the storage room .

"You tricked him to come here?" Prem asked while looking at Mew from a far...

"Just like how you told me to. Bright also on our side right?" Nine said as he exchanged the gun and looked at Prem

"Yes. He's on our side. You just need to make him go to the second floor,the old lab...then we'll make him drink it."

Nine nodded while looking at Mew "But what if...we failed?" Prem laughed softly... "Kill him then. he's either live his whole life with me...or die." Nine went silent and just nodded before he went out to Mew.

"You found anything?" Mew asked the younger.

"second floor,i think they're at the second floor." Mew agreed and they went to the second floor,Prem's looking at them with a satisfying smile... "he's about to be mine." They went into the lab,but it's empty,and dark.. Mew was about to look around when he felt someone pulled him and cuffed his hand to the chair.


Then the light turned on...And his instinct was right..its bright. But guess what...Nine's beside him,with Prem..

"Phi!Are you shocked to see us together?What a nice suprise...isn't it? I already told Gulf to stay away from my thing,and it's you...But still,he don't want to, so i know,why not i-"

"Prem stop this dramatic thing. If you want to shoot me,shoot. i got no times to listen to your pathetic third grade essay,speech or whatever it is."

Prem was speechless. While nine and bright's holding their laugh.

"No phi...i won't shoot you. i just want to be your wife and give my whole life to you.." Prem said while he held Mew's shoulder desperately.

"Prem,i love Gulf. That's all matter. I don't love you...i do but not as a lover. It's not worth it okay. You're still young and you better spend your life on something else."

"No wouldn't understand...I-i..i love you so much,why can't you just be with me?Forget about gulf and his stupid babies!!" Mew looked at him madly..He tried to stay calm but when he heard Prem saying that his babies are stupid,that's too much..

He looked a Bright..if he's being honest..he just wanted to cry right now.. Bright betrayed him,and he totally know's all must be because of his company. "Hey dude,you betrayed me...yeay.." Mew said grievously.

Bright stayed quiet and looked down...he don't want to do this either but,Prem promised that he will help his father's company if he did. Prem was about to take the potion when suddenly he heard mew spoke..


Prem was confused. What? Then he heard something loud.


And bright fell on the ground,with blood coming out from his chest..Prem was shocked and looked at Mew "WHAT DID YOU DO?"

Nine yelled "GREENLIGHT" then a group of cops went in and targetted Prem.

"HANDS UP" While nine spilled the potion and lets mew free.

[Flashback; 2 hours earlier]

"Mew,i pretended to be on his side so i can collect the information. i already copy those data and pictures as the prove when the police asked for it." Nine said while handing him the USB.

Mew thanked him before he put it on the laptop and opened the file,mew smirked,"great job Nine,he's about to go down"

Nine sat beside him and asked "Any plan for tonight?" Mew took a sip of his tea,

"i want you to act like you're on his side,then we'll trap them together,Poom will be waiting at the third floor,facing the room and Poom will shoot Bright once i said 'Fire' . And also... Tell her to wear a mini microphone so she can hear it when i give her the signal."

Nine nodded and he stood up before he looked at Mew. "Okay,but why don't we just shoot prem instead?"

Mew looked at him "Cause i want him to suffer more in jail before he die." Nine just smiled and replied "Okay,anything you want then"

Mew held his hand "Nine"


Mew hugged him tightly,as he hugged the older back.

"Thanks..for helping me"

Nine smiled warmly before he replied...

"it's okay...everything for my brother. Siblings goes first right?"

[Flashback end]

Prem was in panic when there's cops targeting him. And he can't run anywhere. He looked at Nine madly "SO YOU'RE ON HIS SIDE ALL THIS TIME?!"

Nine chuckled and smirked,"Nobody wants to be on your dumb side. unless he's dumb too" Then he went out with Mew,before he went out,he said "Take him." leaving Prem with the cops,he was yelling uncontrollably "I HATE YOU SUPPASIT,I HATE YOU" But it doesn't bothered the older even a little bit... 'Now you know,how heartless i could be' Mew said to himself.

Mew went out with Nine as the Cops already caught prem and and pushed him into the car. Poom went out and gave him a high five before she looked at her younger brother.. "Prem,i love you but i can't be on your side. This is wrong...see you in jail" Poom said leaving him with the cops as the car went away. They went in the car and saw Gulf sleeping while joong's hugging him and Milly was taking pictures of them. Win looked at Bright sadly as the ambulance came and took him away..

"Sorry win but,he deserved it." Mew said while hugging him. Win nodded slowly and then Nine came and gave him a chocolate.

"Bitch,don't cry over a men. it's not worth it,be a bad bitch,not a sensitive bitch." Then win laughed,he felt a little bit better and nodded,They went home after Mew was done talking with the police as it's getting late

(To be continued)


done,i think there will be 3-4 chapter left before this story ends..and yeah i will do some special chapter (plus the wedding chapter) and plus who expected the TWIST? :>

Thank you for reading,and stay safe!

feel free to leave a vote if you like this chapter❤️

that's all!bye <3

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