Special Chapter(PoomMilly/AlexLouis)

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(Sorry for any typos,happy reading mochis❤️)

—No one's POV—

Poom went out from the toilet and wore her clothes,as she walked to the kitchen,leaving the bedroom. "Darling!Where are you darling?" Poom said loudly,searching for her girlfriend. But there's no response from the younger. Poom went to the garden in their backyard and saw Milly,sitting on the ground while pouting. "Oh my- Darling!!Are you okay,dear?" Poom said in panic while helping Milly stand up. Milly nodded and threw the watering can away madly. "baby...i tried gardening but it turned out so bad. i can't even do anything without mess." Milly said while crying. Poom looked at her and smiled 'Looks like someone's on her periodt' she said to herself. Poom snaked her arm at Milly's waist,holding the small waist gently.

"A princess like you didn't suit doing this kind of job,darling" She told Milly before she kissed her cheeks softly again and again. Milly smiled shyly as she pushed Poom away playfully "Baby nooo~I just washed my face!"  But Poom didn't care and kept on spoiling her with a lot of kisses.While they're playfully having fun,kissing and pushing each others,Poom's lost her balance and fell on the ground with Milly,they fell next to each other,as Poom's hands still around Milly's waist perfectly. Poom looked at the pretty younger before she slowly went closer and kissed her "Darling,i love you" She said while holding Milly's hands tightly. Milly smiled and quickly gave her a peck on her lips,"I love you more,dummy" . Poom chuckled before she stood up,while helping Milly to stand up.

Poom went in and was preparing to make lunch when Milly suddenly stop her "Baby,lets go and have lunch outside" Poom nodded and hugged her waist "Looks like someone's being extra nice today~ What is it darling?Tell me dear" Poom said gently after she teased Milly a lil bit,Milly pecked her lips on Poom's before she answered "Nothing much baby,just reminding you that this wifey of yours is in love with you" Poom smiled and hugged her tight. They changed their clothes and decided to walk to the cafe,on their way to the cafe,they saw a boy crying at the bus station.

"Hey there little boy...are you okay?" The little boy looked at Milly before he jumped and hugged her tightly "A-are you mommy?" Milly don't have the guts to say no,so she said "Yes baby,i am" After that,the 2 years old fell asleep and they saw a middle age women running to them. "Im so sorry Misses,he ran from our orphanage house" .Poom slowly carried the little boy and asked her "What happened?" The middle age lady sighed before she answered "His parents got divorced and they dumped him at the orphanage..." Poom shocked and felt like her heart was been stabbed again and again.. "What's his name?" The lady shooked her head "They don't tell us his name..." Milly looked at the sleeping boy and looked at Poom,they nodded and told the lady "We'll adopt him"

After it all done,they little boy followed his new moms,little did he know that,since that day,he's gonna have a really loving family that he always asked for..

Poom looked at the younger before he asked, "So...you don't know your name?" The little boy shook his head. Milly lifted him up before he said "Louis,i'll call you Louis!its sounds cute and feminine,just like you!" The little boy smiled and felt happy with his new name. 'Louis,mummy ish good in giving names' Louis said to himself. Poom smiled gently as she hugged Milly and the little boy, "welcome to our family,my dear louis" . Louis smiled and gave them the warmest hug ever..


—No one's POV—

Louis was at someone's birthday party,looking around and mesmerized by the grand hall. 'am i in the fairy castle?!' The cute little boy said to himself. He remembered the book about a princess meet a handsome prince in a castle,and then they fell in love and got married. Louis really want to experience it too,but...he want to be the princess. Then he heard the sounds of a lot of people clapping hands,as he looked at the stairs,he saw a boy went down the stairs,wearing suits that looks royalty with a girl next to him. Louis was in total mesmerized. He fell in love with the prince,so he ran to the stairs and hugged him tightly,not caring about the others

"Yeayyy!!Louis lastly meet my prince!!" The little boy said while hugging the other boy. Milly went to Louis and pulled him away from the boy,as the result,they received a loud crying from Louis.Mew went to them and let Louis hugged the other boy,luckily...Louis stopped crying.The other boy kept on complaining to Mew,and then Mew said to him

"Alex,be nice. He likes you"

Alex rolled his eyes and let Louis hugged him. 'This boy is so annoying...' Alex said to himself while looking at the cute little boy,hugging him.

Little did Alex know...that the boy that's hugging him right now,is his future soulmate...


Alex once said, "I will never fall in love with Louis"

Ladies and gantleman....That's the biggest lie that Alex ever said.

ps: Alex stop being a clown. You're already a clown since you're a kid-?! 😳

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