is not always about having.

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—No one's POV—

Gulf woke up by the sun rays going straight and got his closed eyes attention.

"lastly...saturday. what time is it now-....MEW?PHI-HOW DID YOU GOT IN HERE-" gulf said shockingly when he saw mew sitting besides him

"nong-gulff don't be mad at me forgot to lock the door. that's so dangerous bii,what if there's someone get in your house and rape you?or kidnap you?btw i made you breakfast! supposed to make breakfast...not disaster-" mew said while scratching his nape

gulf went out to the kitchen and saw his kitchen turned into a whole mess. the flour is all over the kitchen counter and theres some broken eggs on the ground.there's a mix of flour and food colouring in the sink and there's glasses of whipped cream on the table.well now he realized that his "well-perfect" crush is actually bad at cooking. ugh poor him now he have to do the clean work on his weekend. well at least his crush is with him.

"im sorry naa biii,i wanna make you a suprise breakfast in bed turned out bad and i ended up giving you more problems.." mew said while pouting. he really wants to make a breakfast in bed for gulf but he ruined the whole plan.gulf went to him and hugged him tightly. mew was shocked for a while before he hugged him back

"its okay phi!that's sweet of you...and i can teach you how to cook some simple dishes later okay,now lets go and have some breakfast" then gulf went to his bathroom room to take a short shower.then..........he felt someone's hugging him from behind.

"sorry not supposed to get in here while you're showering...but i can't help it,plus the door was unlocked"  Mew whispered while kissing his nape softly..his hand slowly went to gulf's nipple and pinched it,making gulf moans. gulf turned his body to face mew and mew kissed him roughly,they're both fighting for dominance. without breaking the kiss,Mew lifted gulf up and give him a lot of lovebites on the neck,chest and bicep.

Gulf pulled mew closer to him and kissed him hard. he looked down and found out that they're both hard. they kissed eachother while mew pick gulf up in a bridal style,slowly placing gulf on the bed. Gulf moaned once mew kissed his body and played with the nipples,sniffing his neck and left a lot of hickeys. he wants him so bad..

"bii,can i?its okay if you're not uncomfortable baby,we could do it when you are comfortable " mew asked his permission to go to that part of gulf

"o-okay.."  gulf said to him,unsure

then mew started to lick his length's tip slowly to the balls, gulf moaned loudly and lifted his head up. mew sucked gulf's length like a hungry baby,while his hand was playing with gulf's balls. making gulf turned into a moaned mess. Gulf gripped mew's head before he fucked his mouth until he cummed in his mouth. Mew swallowed the cum and he puts two of his fingers in gulf's mouth

"be a good boy for daddy,and suck it" gulf then suck it like how mew wanted him to.after the fingers are wet with his saliva,Mew slowly went to gulf's cute ass and ripped the ass cheeks until he saw the cute little hole. he licked the hole and gulf moaned

"a-ah damnn...goddamn..m-mew what are you doing?i-ahh...don't stop dadddy don't stop" moaned gulf. mew then started to fuck gulf's hole with his tounge,slowly teasing the rim and making the younger losing his mind. then he slowly put the fingers in gulf's hole,scissoring it while it goes in and out

"a-ah oww...p-phi its hurt..."

mew stoped once gulf said that. he kissed gulf slowly and asked

"baby...are you" gulf was speechless and slowly nodding his head

".....y-yes phi" gulf said while keeping his head down "its okay if you don't want to do it with me phi,i understand that this is my first time,and i doubt that i can satisfy you like how ur ex girlfriends did" gulf added more...then mew slowly caressing his face and look at gulf with a gantle smile

"baby,its fine. it's actually a good thing to be a virgin,it means that you didn't hang up around fucking those random girls,and everybody have their own first time bii...and about satisfying,being with you,looking at you and listening to your laugh are more than satisfying for me baby,sometimes in a relationship,its not always about sex. its about loving and protecting someone that you love with all of your guts,sometimes its also about letting him or her go,so they can be with someone that they're happy with " mew then hugged him and gently kissing his forehead.

"lets do it again later ,but i will buy condoms,lube and prepare you well so you will feel less hurt okay bii?now...let's cuddle and we will get some foods afterwards " mew said to him then kissed him softly. Gulf was touched...with how mew cares about him,the way mew understands him...he was jealous with poom...this must be how mew treated poom before mew left's actually half jealous and half guilty..he should stop doing this and cuts all of his relationship with mew..but only if he can. because he's falling deeper to him,day by day...

"thank you na phi...for being here with me" gulf kissed him softly. looking at the older that's already asleep. he loves him so much...and he wants him to love him like how he did...but he realized that one day...after the effects gone...he will loose him and mew might hates him for what he did..

"why it have to be you phi...?why its must be you..?why can't i fell in love with someone else that is single and not having a crush on someone else..?i just want you to love me back...but it sounds impossible now" gulf said slowly...while holding himself from crying infront of the sleeping prince.

"phi...i will find a potion to cure you from this effects. i promise..within a month,you will be normal again,and i will fix your relationship with poom,i will fix everything that i ruined...i promise phi..and after that,i will go far away from your life,its not too late yet" gulf said while kissing mew's cheeks,

Not knowing that the older is actually listening to what he said.

Done another chapter😌HWAAAAAAAAAAA I ALMOST WROTE A NC SCENES BUT NAAH NOT YET🌚soooo have a goood day and sorry for the late update * cries in I GOT A LOT OF ASSIGNMENTS *  btw please give a vote if you're enjoying,it would help me a lot❤️ this and yeah,stay safe and i love ya🌻

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