The Culprit

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(sorry for any typos,i didn't proofread because im late for my classes,btw happy reading <3)

—No one's POV—

Mew was about to take a sip when someone suddenly called him

"ah,Bright calls me" He put the cup on the table and stand up and went to the outside to talk after he excused himself

'ugh Bright,why did you have to call him just right on time when my plan was about to success..?' Prem thought while clenching his teeth,as the anger started to grow more

Gulf excused himself to the kitchen because he wanted to take some milk and snacks but he stunned to find a potion that was placed nearby to Prem's bag

'wait...what potion is this...' He kept on thinking until he realized...

'tch,you're stupid are so stupid...Prem would never let me have Mew.' Then Gulf hurriedly ran back to the living room and spilled the hot chocolate on the table,making Prem shocked

"DO YOU THINK I'M DUMB,PREM?YOU'RE TRYING TO SNATCH HIM FROM ME." Gulf pushed him roughly before he threw the cup at his face. His pregnancy mood swings really made him lost his mind and controlled by anger

"W-wait Gulf,what do you mean..?" Prem stil hasn't done playing his innocent game and acting as if he didn't do anything wrong

"Prem,FUCK OFF NOW." Gulf yelled as Mew came in and hugged him from the back

"Baby,what happenned?" Mew asked him confusedly while looking at Gulf and Prem

He asked Prem to go away as the younger quickly took his things and went out. He locked the door and sat beside his boyfriend as Gulf's looking all down and breathing heavily,tears running from the younger's eyes and Mew hated to see it...Mew rubbed his back and hugged him gently,comforting the younger that everything's fine,even tho he didn't know what exactly that happened between Gulf and Prem,it's better for him to calm Gulf down first and then he'll ask
After 30 minutes,Gulf lastly started to give a respond,he pushed Mew on the couch gently before he sat on his lap and hugged the older as he's sniffing the older's scent

"Phi...Please stop meeting or even communicate with Prem.." Gulf said as his voice started to crack again. Mew smiled softly and hugged the younger back as he kissed the younger's cheeks and replied

"If that's what my baby wants then i'll stop,don't worry baby...Phi will cut all of my connections with him"

Mew gave a peck on his mouth and rubbed their nose together,holding the younger tightly as Gulf is the most precious thing for him to take care of,he understood that it's hard for Gulf to get through all these things while he's carrying the babies...And that's why he wanted to always be by his side whenever he needs it. Then Mew remembered the conversation that he had with Bright earlier....

-Flashback conversation-

Mew: What?

Bright: Prem there..?

Mew: yeah,he's there..why did you asked?

Bright: Listen here dude...if he offers you any drinks in case,don't even take a sip.

Mew: Okay,i got it...but why?

Bright: He found out about the potion. Someone in our circles told him about it. So it's possible for him to use the same method to get you or even spill this to the whole university,you know that it will give damage to Gulf's social life right..?

Mew: who the fuck told him?!

Bright: I got no idea who is it,It might be Joong,Nine or even Win... So basically in this case..You can't trust anybody.

Mew: Noted...And we will have to find the culprit as soon as possible Bright

Bright: You can count on me Mew,By the way i gotta go,we'll talk about this next time

Mew: Okay,bye

-Hung up-

-Flashback ends-

Mew kept on wondering....who's the culprit and what's his/her motive?

"Baby..." Mew called Gulf

"Yes phi..?" Gulf looked at the older

"Who's the first person that found out about the potion..?" Mew pets the younger's head as he asked

"Of course it's my best friend Nine,why phi..?"

Mew quiet for a while before he shakes his head and smiled,caressing his baby's face

"Nothing baby,just asking"

Then Gulf snuggled more and fell asleep as the older lost in his thought....Who is the culprit and what's their motive..
—No one's POV—

????: How is it..?

Prem: Its almost succeeded,but suddenly there's a jerk named bright disturbed and ruined it.

????: ouch,i see.

Prem: i guess i will need to move on to the plan B...Prepare the pictures and the blogs about Him.

????: But we need more evidence to make it looks real..

Prem: Then its your problem,not mine...i paid you

????: ugh fine,i'll trick them...

Prem; Good,okay bye

????: hm.

-hung up-

The person looked at the computer screen and opened the file where he kept all of the pictures.

"just need a little more,and it will be perfect" 

Then he stood up and went out of the room

Okay done new chapter,so i wrote this in hurried because i got classes to catch up with,so yeah take care and stay safe. if you like it then please leave a vote❤️ that would help me a lot! thanks for reading and i love you,have a good day <3

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