Their Childs!

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Just for your information,i edited all of this😂 And sorry for this poorly edited😭 ❤️

Just for your information,i edited all of this😂 And sorry for this poorly edited😭 ❤️

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Alexander Jongcheveevat

Mewgulf's son
-a quiet person
-famous because of his look
-get jealous easily
-sometimes rude

Mewgulf's son-mature-a quiet person-famous because of his look-Top-student-get jealous easily-sometimes rude-18

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Anatasha Jongcheveevat

Mewgulf's daughter
-Happy go lucky
-a loud person
-famous for joining cheerleader
-hate study
-caring and understandable
-sometimes childish

Mewgulf's daughter -Happy go lucky-a loud person-famous for joining cheerleader -hate study-caring and understandable -sometimes childish -18

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Louis Chawalitrujiwong

Son of Poommilly
-a gentle type of person
-cinnamon roll
-famous for being friends with Alex
-cry easily(cry baby)
-is a loyal puppy(so loyal)
-Top 10 student

Son of Poommilly -a gentle type of person-honest-cinnamon roll-famous for being friends with Alex-cry easily(cry baby)-is a loyal puppy(so loyal)-Top 10 student-17

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Beau Aydin

Joongnine's daughter
-Top 3 student
-the goddess of the school
-elegant and confident
-cheerleader captain
-doesn't get mad easily(know how to cover her negative feelings well)
-good at acting

So,Brightwin don't have children...Its because they don't think they could take a good care of them. anyways,how are you mochis?i'll be updating those special chapters and "love?bet!" soon! Remember to always stay at home,stay safe and wear mask!Ahh also,remember that i love you so much mochis! See you later,byebye<3


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