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—No one's POV—

Poom came in while clapping her hand,giving gulf a look that gulf can't explain. gulf was speechless as bright tried to protect him,incase Poom wanted to do something bad to gulf. gulf was extremely frightened. he kept on looking around,afraid if mew come in and saw everything.

"why?why gulf?" she asked the younger

Poom went closer to him,looking at him while holding her tears tightly from falling down...she's disappointed with him,but at the same time she doesn't want to make the younger feel more guilty,she heard everything. she was supposed to pick her lunch but then she saw gulf with bright,she can't control herself from listening to what they talked about,and that's how she found out the truth,the real reason why his boyfriend left him. the main reason why she's been suffering for days,crying her lungs out. she loves him. she gave him everything,she gaves mew the beat of her. just for gulf,to snatch mew away from her.

"You're supposed to tell him from the start. i know that you can't control his FAKE feelings right now because he's under a stupid potion's effects. but at least stay away from him,try to avoid him. AND DON'T MAKE YOURSELF FALL INLOVE MORE WITH HIM." she was holding herself from slapping gulf and losing her sanity. there's a voice in her head keep on telling her to make him suffer,but she won't do it. she will try her best to not do it. whatever that happens...she can't hurt him psychically as she's still sane.

Gulf don't know what to say. he's feeling like he's the bad guy in this story...he's feeling like he's the villains who stole the main character's lover...he always thought that he's the main character,but now he's doubting it.

"Poom...take a sit,i already texted joong to take mew somewhere else so we can talk about this thing. just please...have a seat...you know that it's not 100% gulf's fault. i know he did something wrong,but please forgive him...he tried to avoid mew,i swear i know he did. but as a normal person,how long can you avoid your CRUSH if he keep on bugging you around,treating you like you are his only sunshine...i don't know if there's someone that is so heartless untill they can but,if me...i can't." Bright said as poom sat down infront of gulf,listening to what bright told her.

"Gulf..." Poom called him

"Yes..?poom i swear to god im sorry i didn't mean to make you feel sad,im so sorry i will leave him i pro-"

"it's okay gulf...you don't have to. im sorry for being over-acting..we both love him right?so you can be with him for now...BUT. when the potions effect gone...if he come back to me,don't say i didn't warn you before this. its late now since you're already in love with him and it seems like he's crazy in love with you,well at least for now...,but i only give you one chance to make him fall in love with you,once he come back to me,then he will never be yours." Poom then stood up and leave the cafe with her lunch. she loves mew...but she want to give gulf a chance,plus she's curious about her ex's feeling towards her...

"Did Mew really loves me before this..?"

—Gulf's POV—

Well...i should've known from the start...that i will always never be the juliet. she's so much better than me...and im the one who ruined their relationship. but still...i can't just give up...i got 3 months to make mew fall in love with me. i will try my best! Me,Gulf Kanawut...Accept the challenge. no matter what happen,i will court him.

"gulfie,are you okay?you always spacing around...im starting to think that you're high because of drugs-"

"Bright,not now phi. im trying to boost my confidence up. shut up." i said as i take a sip of my drink. can he please let me acting like im in a series and there's like a lot of people that could hear my thoughts and be like "THAT'S MY BOYY" . okay stop imagining around gulf,back to reality.

" okay okay whatever as long as its good for you gulfie,but are you okay tho? don't think about what poom said earlier too much okay..it's not worth it,just try your best...if you're still failing then,just throw him away and find a better guy. my best friend mew isn't that good tho. pfft-" bright laughed and started to make fun of mew's childish side,and kept telling me about how people thinks that mew is hot while he's actually a brat. well...WHAT A GOOD FRIEND,such a nice day for me to tell win and mew about him.

mew texted me that joong brought him to a zoo and locked him in a cage with monkeys. well joong did a great job. and now i have to pick him from there before he turns into one of them..WELL I BETTER GO FASTER. i excused myself from bright then i went to the zoo,damn he's not joking around when he told me that he's in a cage with monkeys. i asked one of the zookeeper to open the cage and the zookeeper kept on asking me how tf did mew ended up in the cage,well suprise SHAWTY he got a friend that is soooo nice untill he locked him in it.

we went to my home as mew wanted to sleep at my home tonight,well who tf gonna say no when your crush wanted to sleep at your house?plus poom already gave me permission to have a fight with her,so why not right?if she can then i also can. we grew up together. she and me...we're both WERE a bestie. im sure there's nothing much difference between me and her.

—No one's POV—
mew excused himself to go to the toilet while gulf is already lying on the bed,about to sleep. after 10 minutes,mew went out...and got himself on the bed,hugging his gulfie.

"mew....you're hugging me so tight..." gulf said as mew kept on hugging him

"im sorry baby but i can't help myself...you spent too much times with bright,do you even love me?it looks like you're in love with him now" mew then pouted,sulking with the younger

"stop this nonsense phi...you know that i only loves you. plus bright and win is dating for god sake. stop thinking those weird things,and stop hugging me too tight,this baby of yours need to breathe" gulf tried to loose the hugs

"but i loveee youu,let me hug you biii"

"but i can't breathe phii"

"but i love you,i want to hug you"

"i know boo but i can't breathe"

"so now you're choosing breathe over me?HMPH i hate oxygen. it tried to take you from me. I WILL SUE OXYGEN. What a bitch." mew said while punching the air,and holding his breath. gulf chuckles and pinched mew's bread cheeks

"ofc i will choose you over oxygen,because you're like the oxygen to me,without you,i lost the meaning of my life,if you're not here then,why should i keep on breathing?you're the reason why boo...so stop holding your breathe and lets cuddle" gulf pulled mew closer to him,but mew still didn't stop holding his breathe.

"phi mew..breathe noww"

"i can't bii,i have a pride too. i can't be weak infront of this oxygen bitch"

"okay then..."

gulf pulled mew closer to him and kissed mew. mew kissed him back and then both tasting each other's slowly...and full of love...the kiss was gentle and slow,full of love instead of lust... then gulf break the kiss and said

"look,you're breathing. i love you okay,stop being jealous over something that isn't alive" gulf then hide himself in the blanket,shy of himself for saying that to mew

"okay bii,i love you too!" mew cuddled him and kept on sniffing his scents...he's addicted to it,while gulf's enjoying the warmth of the older...he's the happiest person right now..its all feels wrong,but it feels right at the same time.

gulf fell asleep in mew's arm,snoring like a baby while mew's being the big spoon. mew kept on looking at his precious little baby,he can't be more happy than now...because he's having his whole life by his side..mew kissed gulf's forehead and hugged him,sniffing his scents before he said..

"Thanks to your clumsy self...now im hopelessly in love with you,even tho before this...I ALREADY DO"

Soo-aaa yessh new chapter done!So what do you think?is it good?well i really hope you do like it. Hshsh well sorry because im low-key busy with my personal life,but i will try my best to update more usual❤️thanks for reading,and if you like it then please leave a vote,it would help me a lot❤️that's all stay safeee and have a GOOD DAYYY🤍You're so precious,and for those muslims that are fasting,you can do it💓 that's alll🌈

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