Crave for tears

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—No one's POV—

Gulf woke up with the best view ever,mew was sleeping deeply besides him. He get out of the bed and went to brush his teeth and take a bath. when he was taking his bath,he felt a hand slowly touching his belly,he was shocked for while before he found out that its mew.

"Babe! i was scared as hell" gulf said as he letting his boyfriend roaming his hand behind his back

"Sorry baby,i was scared too when i woke up without you beside me,i really thought that someone kidnapped you earlier" Mew said while kissing gulf's bare back,before taking the soap and spreading it on gulf's back

After they done showering,both of them wore clothes and went to the kitchen,gulf sat down while watching mew taking the bread and the nuttela,then mew noticed that gulf made a face

"Awh baby...whats with that face babyboy?" mew asked him while gently lift his face up and caressing gulf's face

"babe...i don't want to eat bread n nuttela" whined gulf as he's pouting,giving mew a baby look

"Then,what do my baby wants to eat?cakes?shushi?cookies?" Mew asked gulf

instead of answering mew's question,gulf stood up as he pushed me to the chair and he sat on the older's lap,straddling the older

"daddy,let me suck you,please!" gulf said as he went to mew's ears and slowly licking it.

"b-baby what?i don't think we should do it baby,plus-" before mew even had a chance to finish his sentence,gulf already said madly

"So now you're getting bored of me?You don't like me anymore?is it because you're afraid that i'll be fat?ITS BECAUSE OF YOU DUMMY. YOU MADE ME PREGNANT. And now you don't want me anymore?!OR MAYBE THIS IS BECAUSE YOU'RE CRAVING FOR PUSSY INSTEAD OF ME. IS IT DELICIOUS TO EAT POOM'S PUSSY?I HATE YOU" then gulf stormed into his room madly,leaving mew in confusion at the kitchen.

While gulf's in the bedroom wad crying while hugging the blanket,he didn't lock the door incase his daddy want to come in and apologize,but after 3 minutes and there's no sign of mew,he cried harder while yelling


then mew came in while bringing a plate of donuts and a glass of milk

"Baby?awh im so sorry my baby... eat this first're pregnant you have to be gentle with yourself babyboy" Mew said then he put the food on the table next to the bed,and went closer to gulf and hugged him

"i knew it...i'm not hot anymore...if you didn't let me then,i'll do it with someone else." gulf said as he's playing with mew's nerves

"Baby,don't you dare..." Mew started to get angry when he heard it

"well i dare to. because you don't want to let me tho,its your fault" gulf kept on making mew's patience goes thin and thinner

"Baby,daddy said no." Mew warned him again.


"OKAY FINE BABY,GET ON YOUR KNEES NOW" Mew said as he's unbuckling his belt angrily and pushed his pants and brief down,exposing his monster. within a second he did that,gulf already stroked it fastly and sucked it desperately,like a kitten that is craving for it mom's milk. he licked from the balls to the tip,and then slowly used his tounge to tease the tip,making it goes hard and veiny

"A-ah...shit baby...This is so good" Mew said as he's holding himself from fucking the younger's mouth,he groaned as he's looking at his sexy boyfriend sucking his dick sinfully,what a view

"I-i want your cum...cum for me please!i've been a really good boy for pleasing you,master" gulf said while he's sensually licking the older's junior,while looking into the older eyes,seducing the older.

"Fuck baby,you're sexy as hell. Take it,yess,ugh ah y-yess baby like that,suck it like that,you want it don't you?then work for it" Mew said as he's slowly pushing his cock into the younger's mouth as gulf's letting mew fucked his mouth

Then speed when faster as mew's losing his sane

"a-ah shit baby!im cumming uhmm ah yes" Mew came in the younger's mouth,as the younger swallowed it happily

"Happy now?" Mew asked gulf as he picked him up and put the younger on the bed

"Yes daddy!thank youu,i love you sooo muchh,baby loves you too!" Gulf said in a baby tone,while kissing mew's cheek,before he hugged him happily

"Good,now baby,finish your food,then we'll go to the mall for shopping,my baby deserves to be spoiled" Mew pets his head gently and gave the younger a peck on his mouth,then he heard someone's calling the older. Mew took the phone and picked it up on the outside of the bedroom,showing gulf a sign that he will go outside to talk to the phone for a while.

after 15 minutes,mew went back in,gulf was over-thinking about who did mew talked on the phone with,the curiosity wents higher,so he decided to ask the older

"who was on the phone phi?" gulf asked mew

"uhm...why?" mew started to get panic but he kept it cool

"just asking...why,can't i?" gulf started to get irritated because mew looks like he don't want to tell him

"Well,it was my mom...she told me to go and handle something at her house,you know...well family stuff" Mew said while he's avoiding to look in gulf's eyes,making the younger felt more irritated

"awh,then we can't go shopping...?" gulf felt sad,he just want to go and buy things with his boyfriend...

"i'm sorry baby...we can't make it today,but we can go tommorow,im promise" Mew said as he kissed his baby

"Okay then...take care babe" Gulf said to mew,while trying to calm himself down,he's sure his boyfriend will never cheat or lie to him...he's pregnant,mew wouldn't do that..he's sure

"Thanks baby,i'll be home tonight,take care too,i love you" Mew said before he took his coat and went out of the house

It was 1 am and mew still didn't came back...gulf called and texted him since 2 pm,but none of the texts he sent has been seen and none of the calls has been answered... gulf started to feel scared,what if there's something bad happened to him?what if he got into an accident?what if he got kidnapped?its all playing inside gulf's head. then he heard a notification popped out on his lock-screen,he thought that mew has been replied but things that he saw was totally far away from what he thought...

Its a picture of mew shirtless and sleeping soundly besides someone,while his body was full of hickes. then he saw the exactly same coat as the one that mew brought with him before he went out..

unknown number:So you really thought that he loves you?what a fool. by the way,he said that i tasted better than you. feel free to fuck off from his life. i don't like to share my HUSBAND with a slut like you.

gulf was crying. he thought that mew will never cheating on him. but he's wrong... he's fucking wrong.. he can clearly see a boy that took the pictures hugging mew,but he can't see his face. his anxiety came back and he's running to the upstairs to get his medicine,but then..he slipped his feet and fell down the stairs..he can feel the blood running through his head

and it all went BLACK...


sorry for the late update- i was doing my assignments!but don't worry im already done- so yeah if you enjoyed this chapter then please leave a vote❤️it would help me a lot!stay safe and i love you:)) thanks for reading!

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