don't deal with the outsiders

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—???? POV—

Love...Isn't it a pretty word?Imagining yourself to be in love with a guy that you thought will be your sunshine.He gave you his words and acted as if he's in love with you,but the truth is its all just an act.The truth is...It's me who's having a delusional thoughts all this time... I gave him the best of me,i gave him everything,just for him to dump me when he's done with me..


there's a little boy running in the garden,trying to catch a butterfly as it fly higher and far away...

"Awh...i miss it again.." The little boy said as he pout

He walked sadly without noticing that there's a little hole infront of him,then he stumbled and fell on the ground,crying..

" feet hurts.." he cried as he called his mom that's looking at him plainly...

"What are you? A brat? Just stand up by yourself... You ungrateful piece of shit."  Then she walked away,leaving the little boy alone,sobbing...

The little boy can't stop crying and looking at the wound as the blood came out slowly,then he felt someone reach his hand to help him to stand up

"Are you okay?" the other boy asked the younger as he helped him to stand up and clean the dust on the younger's pants and shirt

"I-i want to catch a pretty butterfly...B-but it went away...nothing pretty likes me...A-am i that ugly..?" The younger cried and looked at the sky...

Then the older boy hugged him before he said...

"You are the most beautiful boy ever,that's why the butterfly went away,because its jealous with your beauty"

The younger his whole life...everybody arounds him keep on telling him that he's a disappointment and he shouldn't be alive,this is the first time,someone ever calls him beautiful..

The younger hugged the older boy,and kiss his cheeks as the older stunned and in shocked.

"Phi...What is your name?" The younger asked the older while he's smiling sweetly

"You can call me Mew,what about you?" The older said as the younger tightened the hugs and started to blush

"Phi,you're so nice! i like you so so so much" the younger said happily while looking at the older with so much love and adore

The older just chuckled a little bit and nodded

"ah...sorry i forgot to tell phi my name,if phi don't know my name,we can't get married right?! Awh nuuuuhh" The 7 years old boy started to get panic and held Mew's hand

"My name is Prem!!" Prem said shyly

Mew pets his head gently before he kissed the younger's forehead

"Nice to be your friend,Prem"

Flashback ends.

Prem cried quietly...Mew and his mom are the same...They never keep their words.His mom said that she will never marry another guy other than dad,but 1 week after his dad's funeral...His mom already getting married with another guy.

Mew said that he only attracted to women...And rejected me when i confessed my feelings for him,but now...He's dating a guy. And he hurts me just because of that stupid guy...Named Gulf Kanawut.

Someone called Prem and he answered it right away

????:Boss,We already found it,the potion...

Prem: Heh...good job. Then bring it to me,and i'll have my own ways to make Mew drink it.

????: But boss...The side effects of the potion is dangerous,are you sure about this?

Prem: What is it?

????:...The person that drink the potion will get an anger issues,and might hurts you because of uncontrollable jealousy... it also damaged the brain and could cause delusional thoughts..

Prem: so Mew will be obsessed with me?Only me?

????:Yes boss,and i don't think that its a good thing-

Prem: Noooo,it is a good thing! Bring it here,NOW. Quickly,i can't wait to lastly own him..

????: y-yes boss...

Then Prem hung up the calls and laughed madly,he took the pic of Mew on the table with full of heart and love surroundings the picture of mew and kiss it again and again...

"Just wait Mew...Just wait...You will be finally mine. And you will be in love and obsessed with me...No more stupid Gulf disturbing our life,No more pain,Only love between me and you. And lastly i can call you mine..MINE,MINE,MINE AND ALL MINE"

And he burned a picture of Mew hugging Gulf...


Done new chapter!So yeah...basically that's why Prem's in love with Pmew. damn i actually feel great today because i already did my assignment and attended all classes for today! So i decided to update<3 i hope you're having a great day or night,make sure to not skip your meals because i don't want you to get sick...know your worth cause you're my brightest stars and i love you so much,no jokes i love you❤️ and also remember that you are strong and you can face all the problems and school problems!keep fighting!! by the way,i hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you do,please leave a vote❤️ that would help me a lot <3 thank you and have a good day!!

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