Special Chapter(Brightwin)

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(Sorry for any typos!Happy reading Mochis!❤️)

—No one's POV—

Its 11:00 A.M and Bright is still on his bed,sleeping soundly. Don't even care about anything. He woke up due to the sound of his death...Win's frying pan.


Bright woke up and ran fastly to the toilet,locking the door as the pan hitting it. 'Fyuh,luckily im safe..' He said while taking his clothes off,and went to take a bath.

They just went back from their honeymoon last week,they went to...disneyland. Romantic right?Win ended up watching those cartoons and bought a lot of things. it felt like he's bringing a 4 years old kid,there's no romantic vibes! Like who tf watch Mickey mouse on their honeymoon?And also don't forget those Alice in the Wonderland. Win is lucky because Bright loves him.

After he's done taking bath,he went out from the toilet and wore his clothes,before he went to the kitchen to meet his wife.

"Baby,what's for lunch?" Bright asked Win while back hugging him. Win just smiled and turn off the stove,before he faced Bright and kissed him.

"Some fried rice and kimchi will be fine right,hubby?" Win said,while clinging on Bright's neck. Bright let out a soft chuckles as he nodded softly

"Sure wifey,hubby would love to eat it,even tho it will never be as tasty as you" Bright said,teasing the younger while winking,making Win shy. Win looked at him with a red face,as he pinched Bright's nose playfully "Shia,what a flirt!"

Bright laughed and gave him a peck on his lips again before he went to prepare the table. After he's done with the table,he went away quietly without getting noticed by the younger.

After like 20 minutes,Win noticed that the house was weirdly quiet. He went to the living room,"Hubby?Hubby!!Are you there??"

No response. He went upstairs and checked their bedroom,but its all empty. same goes to the bathroom and other rooms.

"Shiaa!He went missing again?Am i married to a ghost or something?! He always disappear without telling me." The younger said frustratedly as he went downstairs,then he heard someone chuckles and he looked to see Bright,holding a bouquet a flowers.

"Here you go wifey,a special flowers,for my special angel" Bright said as he went closer to Win,and gave the younger the flowers. Win looked at Bright with a warm smile,before he accepted it and take a look at the flowers. 'Its so..pretty..' Win said to himself. He putted the flowers on the table before Bright pulled him into a deep kiss. They're kissing passionately while Win letting Bright dominate the kisses. Bright was asking for entrance and Win opened his mouth,giving the older permission. The older tasted the younger mouth fully as the younger was sucking the older's bottom lips. "Ah.." a soft moan slipped from the younger's mouth,waking up the older's little member down there. "Baby,shall we?" Bright asked the younger while catching his breathe. its 12 PM but to be honest,they don't give a fuck. Win nodded and without wasting any minutes,Bright carried the younger in bridal style to the bedroom,locking the door,closing the curtains and threw the younger on the bed.

(Warning: 18+ scenes ahead. If you don't like it,you can skip it na~💕)

Bright took off his shirt,as the younger's eyes were raping him. The older was proudly showcasing the muscular and well built body to the younger. As the younger was mesmerized,Bright took the younger's hand and put it on his chest,slowly...The younger drags his fingers down,feeling the abs before it ended up at Bright's pant,Win opened the button and took it off,revealing the member that was already hard and ready to be sucked by him.He was somehow still nervous because this is their first time doing it after marriage. Then the older softly lifted his head up and hovered him "Oh darling,let me give you the pleasure" The older whispered to the younger's ears as he took off the younger's shirts. He went to the neck,leaving a dark purple and red marks as he went down and down to the chest,he put his teeth between the younger's nipple before he brushed his tounge tip at the nipple,making the younger moans subconsciously. The younger slide his fingers through the older's hair,enjoying the feelings that the older gave him,Bright placed some wet kisses as the he went down,leaving the chest to the younger's 'V' line. He took off the younger's pant,as he pushed and spread Win's leg,exposing the pink hole to his sight. "P-Phi bai..." The younger called him. "Yes darling?" Bright went to his targets as he started to lick it from the crack to the tip of the younger's cock.

"d-don't stop..phi.." Once Win said that,Bright instantly stopped. He brushed his fingers at the younger's hole lightly,making the younger moans in needy."Oh darling~I am the one who's in control right now,you can't order me around" As the older saying those things,he slide one finger in the younger's pink hole. "A-Ah.." another soft moans was slipped by the younger. "Do you get it?" Bright asked in condescending tune as he started to finger the younger. The younger nodded while letting another moans,as he threw his head back and squirmed around. "Oh my darling...i need words." The older said strictly while abusing the sweet spots,leading the younger crazy. "Y-yes,i-i get it,phi.." Bright smirked as he added another 2 fingers,before he went to the younger's ears and whispered sensually "good boy" as he blows some hot air. Win started to grind onto the older's finger roughly "P-phi..please give me more..i-im not ordering you,i'im begging" The younger said as he touched Bright's member,stroking it while the moans getting louder and higher. Bright groaned before he kissed the younger and fasten the fingering.The younger was swallowing the moans as bright bit his lips,kissing the younger hard. He replaced the fingers with his member as the younger let a loud high pitched moans "A-ah FUCK YES PHI!Mmm..ah." Bright fucked the younger hard as the younger was asking him to go faster and deeper. The older held the younger slim bare waist as he licked the younger's neck. "Darling,im cuming" Win bit his lips as he's letting his moans to be heard by the older "Same phi..same" Bright kissed the younger before he said "Lets cum together darling" . He fastened the pace and Win turned into a total moaning mess,as he's jerking himself while being fucked and they both ended up reaching climax.

Bright take a look at the younger to found out that he fell asleep right after they reached climax. He smiled before he went out of the bed,cleaned those mess,changed the bed sheets and also cleaned the sleeping younger gently. He also took a short shower before he laid down beside the younger,and hugged him tightly,feeling the warmth. "I love you" He said before he fell asleep next to the younger,while its 2:46 PM in the evening.


—No one's POV—

Win woke up,and it's already 6:14 PM. 'Damn..my butt hurts..' he thought while rubbing his eyes,still feeling sleepy. He looked next to him to see Bright sleeping while holding his left hand tightly. Win chuckles before he gave the older a peck on his forehead. 'What a baby..'

He stood up slowly,then the older woke up and when he saw Win trying to walk,he instantly went to him and picked him up. "Phi~!! You don't have to!" Win whined while trying to let himself free from the older.

"Of course i need to darling! As a good husband,i won't let my beautiful wife walk while he's not well" He said while giving Win some pepper kiss on his face,as the younger chuckled and gave a peck on Bright's lips. He brought Win to the kitchen and gave him a pain reliever. After that,they reheated the food and ate it while talking about their future,and past. No matter what happens,Win will never leave his precious Bright,cause without him,his life means nothing.Same goes to Bright. After they're done with eating,Win was washing the dishes while Bright's back hugging him,and rested his head on Win's shoulder. And then,they decided to watch a movie,but Bright end up sleeping after 10 minutes. The same things goes to Win. They both fell asleep in each other's arm,feeling each other's warmth as the night went deeper.


Fyuh...its getting hot in here😳 Damn who expected it? So its been a while since the last time i wrote a NC scenes,may i know, is this good or bad?😆Oh mochis,i felt like a sort of way while writing this😳 its like 3 in the morning right now! Ugh author so sorry naaaa😅By the way,i love you so much!Author love mochis naa🥺❤️Stay safe and please wear a mask if you have to go out!😷Stay cute and see you again! I loveee you so much my precious mochis!🥰

-ur author,mewwwie❤️

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