Just a random oneshot

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-Mew's POV-

Our life was perfect...I met Gulf,We fell in love and got married. And i thought that it's gonna be perfect forever..But it doesn't go that way.

Gulf got into the hospital,Coma. And that's all happened because there's someone in our circles trying to kill him.

But the question is...Who is the culprit?

Mild is his best friend since he was 3

Bright is his senior and the one who's always be there for him,he even wants to kill me because i once made Gulf cried

Gun is his "mom" because whenever Gulf's sulking with me,he will go to his house

Saint is his friend since highschool and he cried non-stop when he found out about it

But even tho all of them are pure...One of them must be the person who did this..

Is it Mild?
Is it Bright?
Is it Gun?
Is it Saint?

i'll solve this out...But i can't tell anybody about this because...I might tell the culprit.

But even tho i didn't tell anybody about this,i will always be 1 step behind that person...It's like,he already know about this,and planned something to safe himself from getting caught.

Seriously...Who is it..?How can he found out the password and even the CCTV? is he's here watching me..?

That person started to send me things like

"You'll never catch me"

"We did a great job together"

"don't trust anybody"

And at the same time...my suspects are getting weird things like a cup of blood,human's finger and a picture of a dead body...that person even have a video of us,

eating....take a shower...sleeping...reading books and others...

Things started to get more serious when Saint was found dead...And Mild almost lost his eyesight..Gun was traumatized and was sent to the psychiatric hospital. We asked him,what happened...?But he just yelled hysterically and kept on saying "he's here..."

There's only left Bright and me...Is it him?Even i don't have any ideas now..

The real culprit is playing with all of us...

He knows every single thing.

Bright sets a CCTV without my knowledge,and he found out something...

We caught the real culprit...Lastly,after months...We found him...And it turned out..

the real culprit is...


so basically this chapter have no connection with my story,its just a random oneshots a.k.a story idea that suddenly pop off in my head lol. plus who do you think the culprit is-?i will update the story(accidentally inlove) later oki <3 have a good day❤️

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