dinner date

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aowhh hiiii🥺💕sorry for any mistakes or wrong spellings/grammars . english isn't my first language😭💖💖please vote if you like this chapter❤️ that would help me a lot🥰stay safe💕💕and enjoy reading!💖


—Gulf's POV—

"Hop in baby,lets have dinner with me" he said at me.

"its okay phi,maybe just later?"i told him. i can't spend more times with him,im tired of today- its all happened just because of that stupid potion.

"baby...i know you haven't eat yet...im worry about you baby...please?get in the car" mew said at me with a pout. ugh this guy, who the hell allowed him to be this cute?i guess i'll surrender, sorry my dear self. he's just too cute for me to resist. i get in the car and he kissed my hand gently.

"what do you want to eat tonight,kitty?any idea?craving?fav place?" he asked me softly while driving. damn did he just called me kitty-? he got a kink i swear.

"anything would be fine phi. but as long as its not seafood because im allergic to it" i replied to him

"then what about steak?i know some places that serves the best steak in this town!Trust me even tho i got a hot body,im still an expert in finding best restaurants. Eating is one of my fav things to do.but still my body is good as ever HAAHAHAHAHHAH" said mew happily. he looks like kid telling people about his fav toys,so cuteeeee

"Okay then phiii,i trust you naaa~NOW LETS GO AND FIND A GOOD STEAK RESTAURANT!!" i said while pointing to the road like a pirates

"AYE AYE CAPTAIN BABY!!" mew replied while putting his left hand on his forehead,and then both of us laughing . on the way to the restaurant ,we talked about a lot of things and jokes around with each others . this is one of the best things that happened in my life to be honest

after like 20 minutes driving, we arrived our destination. its a cute restaurant on the top of a building with a wonderful view! we can see the city from here. there's brown table with 2 eames chairs for people to sit and the theme of the restaurant is nature. i really love this place and im glad that mew didn't bring me to those weird hella expensive restaurant that served a scoop of an ice-cream with whipped cream for a hundred dollars gosh-. i would be uncomfortable if he did.

we ordered our foods and then we continued to talk about a lot of random things like our fav places and hobbies. i just knew that we actually have a lot of similarities. both of us loves reading and traveling. after the food came, we ate our foods and its sooo delicious!

"phi mewwwwww this is sooo deliciousss!!" i said while eating it like a starved person that haven't eat for years

"loook i told ya earlier baby!im always the best when it comes to this" mew said proudly

"phiii~ can i have a taste of yours?pleaseeeeeeeeeee" i said while giving him a puppy eyes. his beefsteak looks yummy tooo!

"noooo this is minee"

"pleaseeeeeeee p'mewww"

"nooo baby nooooo"




"fineeeee" mew surrendered


"but you have to give me a kiss first. come on baby~ mouth to mouth" mew said while smiling teasingly

i think i said that i won too early. gosh help me

"phi mew noooo,we're in public naaa. what will people say?" i said

"i don't careee, please babyy just a peck that would be nice! please baby pleasee" mew's whining like a kid while pouting at me. ughhhh too much cuteness to handle!!!so i moved my face closer to him and give him a peck on his mouth. he's smiling like a mad person after that

"Yeayyyy you're the best baby!!i love you sooo muchhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!here take this! you can have my steak eheh,im already full. feel free to order more if this aren't enough for you okay baby! do you want to eat anything else?just order i'll pay it for you baby!" mew said while smiling sweetly at me. and then he cutted a piece of his steak and feed me. what a gantleman...poom was lucky to have him...poor her tho..i felt bad for her. im not supposed to do this.Ugh ya know what? Poom gonna get mew back after 3 months...if she's still single. so i should just enjoy this while i still can.

Mew paid the bills after we ate. after that he sent me home. on the way to my home, mew kept holding my hand and smiling.

"thank you naa,btw are you okay phi?" i asked him when we're infront of my apartment room.

"im happy baby,im soo happy tonight. im happy that you agreed to have a dinner with me. im happy to see you eating a lot. im happy to see you whining like a kid.im happy to see you amazed by the view.im happy to talk with you and we joked about a lot of things. im happy to know you better. im happy to see you smile. im sorry i didn't bring you to an expensive restaurant,i know that you will be uncomfortable,and i just want you to be comfortable on our first date baby. im happy that you gave me a peck on my lips in public,even we're not dating...thank you so much baby..tonight is the best night ever,because i spent it with my baby,and its you" mew said at me while looking in my eyes.

i pulled him closer and i kissed him. im touched by what he just said...he kissed me back and sucking my upper lips. i let him dominate my mouth. we're tasting each other's tounge and then i broke the kiss. his face was red,he's looking at me with full of love...what a sight

"that's a gift for tonight,thank you na phi!the food was marvelous" i said

"im glad you liked it baby,i will go now okay,have a sweetdreams about me baby" he said while winking at me. i just nodded while smiling.what a naughty guy.

"goodnight too na phi.sweetdreams too about me!" i replied to him. he moved closer to my ears and whispered

"if you're dreaming about me tonight...remember that i like it rough"

i stunned for a while. my brain just stopped functioning.

"SHIA PHIIIIII NOOOO EYYYYY" i yelled while covering my tomato face, ISTG THIS GUY-

"oihh biii im just joking naaa~but i don't mind if you really want me to do it~" he's teasing me again

"oih phi,you're such a pervert.stop talking nonsense,now go back to your home its already late aish this big baby" i said while pushing him

"wait did you just called me baby?" mew asked


"babyy you did righttt???aowwwwh you diddd my baby just called me babyyyyyy" mew said while kissing my cheeks and sniffing my neck

"eerh hmmm,i did. now go home will you?Mr.SUPPASIT" i said pretending to be annoyed

"okay baby!your wish is my command!goodnight bii~" he said while pinching my cheeks.

"goodnight phii"  i said to him

and the he got into the lift. im about to close the door when someone blocked it......

"Mind to explain huh...?Ka...na..wut."


hoihh another chapter is donee uihh  i was about to write the nc scenes but i think that it's too early for them-plus i don't want their first nc scenes to be like "drunk and did it" . i want them to do it while they're sober(even tho mew isn't on his right mind-) soooo please bare with it😭✋i hope this chapter isn't that bad and im so soo soo sorry for the bad english and any grammar/spelling errors🥺if you like this chapter then please give it a vote❤️it would help me a lot🥰💖 btw stay safe and have a Good Day okay💗💞

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