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—No one's POV—

"Mind to explain..?"

"shia nine-what??its already late go back to your apartment " gulf said while giving him a "wtf dude" look

"yes it is late. where have you been huh?plus you were with mew for gay sake.we all know that he is poom's boyfriend ." then nine casually went in his apartment and sat on the couch.

"was nine,WAS. they already broke up"he replied to nine

"tell me gulf...what's happening?how tf did you make the best ship in our university aka the sweetest couple,BREAK UP" he asked him again,but this time its stricter.

"how am i supposed to know nine?im just a nerd,nothing more. im also confused when he asked me to be his boyfriend at the cafeteria" gulf said half-truth.

"Are you sure that you don't know gulf?hey listen your best friend,and i will always be your best friend. so if you got something in your small ass mind,don't be hesitated to tell me not gonna tell anybody about it...i know how to keep a secret i promise gulfy,just don't keep any secret from me,we've been bestfriends since our second year of high-school...i will always got your back bestie,i promise" then nine held his hand and hugged gulf tightly

"to be honest nine...i accidentally mixed the wrong potion in my science classes and it turned out into a love potion,and i accidentally dropped the potion into his drink...i didn't mean to..i swear. but now its all too late..i don't know what to do. i want to ignore him but i can't...i love him so much nine...and im thinking about having him as my boyfriend for only 3 months,after the potion's affect gone,i will let him go" gulf said while looking down at the floor

"but will his girlfriend accepts him back after 3 months?what about his social life?won't mew be curious about what happened to him for the last 3 months?think about it know that if you dates him,the whole university gonna know. and what will he feels if he found out that you're dating him while he was under a potion control and not on his right mind?he will be mad for sure gulf. nobody likes to be controlled like a fool."then nine went to the kitchen

"i...i don't know to be honest nine..Im confused. i really don't know what to do right now. AGHH THIS THING IS STRESSING ME OUT. what did i ever do in my past lives?im sure nothing bad,i don't deserve to be in this situation..." he laid on the sofa while nine is searching for food in gulf's refrigerator.

"so your house got nothing to eat...?" he asked gulf

"there's some avocado if you want,its on the table" gulf replied

"n..not the avocado,STOP IT. AGH YOU TOO?GODDAMNIT WHY TF PEOPLE THIS DAYS ARE SO OBSESSED WITH AVOCADO LIKE-" nine was yelling then gulf cutted the line

"nine,nineee-what happened why are you yelling?its just an avocado duh. its not gonna hurt you" gulf said while looking at him,nine sat beside him and started to tell him about things that happened to him today

//Nine's Flashback//

Nine was walking out from the classes when he heard a guy keep yelling his name. he looked at the rooftop and saw a guy with a homemade wings that made by avocados...the people that walked by keep looking at them.

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