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—Noone's POV—

Prem stormed into the ward without caring about anything. He looked like a guy that just lost his sane and also his pride(not this jk-)

He went to Gulf and about to slap him hard when Mew pushed him away from Gulf.

"What the hell,Prem?!" Mew said while keeping Prem away from Gulf. Bright went to them and covered gulf from Prem while Win asked the doctor to just let Mew sattle this problem by himself

"Its you Mew! What the hell is problem with you?! So you really choosed him over me? His level is not even half from mine! You really left my sister,Poom for this bitch. When i confessed to you about my feelings,you said you're into girls,then what is this?You suddenly turned gay?" Prem said madly. He can't accept the facts that his childhood crush is dating a guy and its not him. He really thought that he's gone to be the one that Mew will love...but instead of it,Mew choosed Gulf,his sister's chilhood best friend.

"Prem,please watch your mouth. we're in the hospital right now." Mew said,trying his best to not stab the person that just called his lover a bitch to death.

"Why should i? Oh is it because i called your boyfriend a bitch? Well guess what? He is a bitch. He loves to ruin people's relationship and takes things that's not his. Just wait until i tell the whole university that he's pregnant. And then we'll see if he will still be happy after the whole collages label him as a "Slut" ." Prem was blinded by anger and jealousy,he couldn't even thinks about what's right and what's wrong. 13 years...he's having a crush on Mew since he's 7. And he accepted it when mew rejected him because mew said that he's into girls,and having a crush on his sister...But now,He's dating a guy,he felt like he's been fooled by Mew. His pride can't take that.

"Prem. Call him a bitch again,and you will end up lying in this hospital." Mew said coldly as his eyes was full of anger... Gulf was carrying his child for god sake,and you thought that he would let a guy called his lover a bitch?not until the day he died.

"Well,he's a bitch. Happy to hear that?" Prem said unknowingly that he's getting on Mew's nerves. Mew went to him and punched his face again and again until the doctor and nurses came and pulled him to the back,stopping him from killing the guy

Prem's face was full of bruises from Mew's punch earlier and his nose started to bleed. He's holding himself from crying,his heart broke into a pieces... His crush choosed a guy that he just knew over him,his own chilhood best friend. The doctor brought him to the other room to check on him,and he realized that Mew doesn't even spare a look at him. Mew just went to Gulf and continued to cuddle him,while asking the younger if he wants to eat something,not even caring about Prem. Bright went to Prem and looked at him bluntly before he said

"I know,it's hurt to see someone that you loves being with someone else,but remember this Prem...If you really love him,then let him be happy with someone that he loves. Even tho it's not you,because love is not always about having someone to called "Mine",but sometimes it's all about sacrificing for the person that you love." Then he went away,leaving Prem alone,the doctor called him to get in the room for the check up,he went in...while bright's words kept on playing inside his head....nonestop...after he done with the check up,he went to the toilet and looked at the bruises

"but i don't loves him,i'm obsessed with him.And i will do anything...to make him mine." Prem mumbled as he's smiling crazily...planning on do something bad to Gulf,to make Mew his


—Mew's POV-—

I punched him in the face until its bleeding. And guess what? I don't regret it,not even a little bit. He might be one of my closest contact,but that doesn't give him an excuse to insult my Gulf. Who does he thinks he is until he got the nerves to said that infront of my Gulf? i already warned him,not once but twice,to watch his filthy mouth.

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