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(Happy reading and also sorry for any typos!you can tell me on the comments so i can fix it <3 enjoy!!!❤️)

—No one's POV—

3 weeks has passed and now its time for Mew and Gulf to tell his parents about the marriage. They were both nervous and can't even sleep at night,so they ended up cuddling each others till the sun rise

Its 9:00 AM and they're at the living room,infront of Gulf's parents.

"So....What do you want to tell us,son?" Mae asked,breaking the silence.

Mew looked at Gulf while holding his hand tightly,then he looked at his parents and started to open his mouth

"Mae...Pho...i have decided to make Gulf as my lawfully husband. I love him so much...And i want him to be mine legally. I understand if you're still worried about him but...No matter what happens and how many times you wants to stop me..

I will never give up,and trust me,i will make him mine until the day i die."

Both of them were speechless. Mae smiled gently and looked at her husband. Pho was shocked and coughed.

"Mae,pho...We love each other so much..And plus i'm carrying his child,also your please..?" Gulf held Mew's arm as he spoke...Pho looked away while mae gave them a warm smile

"Sure thing son...Mew,i'm glad that you wanted to be with our son,and Gulf..Of course i'll agree and i will surely support your relationship. You are my only sunshine,and i want my son to be the happiest person...So no matter what's your sexuality or gender,no matter what happens,i will be here to support you" Mae said as he went to Gulf and hugged him,Gulf cried and hugged her back...His mother never be against his decision and always respect him...

Mew smiled watching both mother and son hugging each others..He really wants to give Gulf the best life ever...He wanted to show him the world and spend his whole life with him..and their child. Then he saw pho went closer to him,and hugged him.

"Oi stupid city kid,i approved. I know that you're a good kid,even tho you're dumb.BUT MAKE SURE TO TAKE A GOOD CARE OF MY SON AND MY GRANDCHILDREN. Or else...I'LL FIND YOU AND CUT YOUR HEAD. GOT IT?" Pho said while Mew's looking all pale.

"Y-yes pho" Mew replied as Gulf's Pho went to the kitchen,then he stopped,
turned and faced the lovey dovey couple before he spoke "And also next time,if you want to have sex in my bakery,make sure to use condoms. i'm not a cleaner and ugh it smells for like a week,luckily there's no customer complaining about it." Mew chocked on his saliva and cleaned his throat,throwing his look away to the window whilst Gulf's laughing akwardly. Then pho continued to went away to the kitchen,leaving them alone in the living room with mae. She giggled and stood up,"But i don't mind,being a cleaner if that could help both of you,ehe so don't be so shy,oihhhhh gays these days are so cute,i should show off to the neighbors that has a single daughter,HEY LOOK AT ME,MY SON GOT A HANDSOME BOYFRIEND A.K.A HUSBAND TO BE WHILE YOUR DAUGHTER CAN'T EVEN PULL A MEN. WHO'S LOSING NOW EHH" (#proudmom) and she went out to the neighbor's houses.

Gulf smiled moderately,watching mew's catching his breath, "Baby,i was in panic for a while,i really thought that your pho gonna kill me earlier." Gulf guffawed while staring at the sulky older. Mew went off to the bedroom and continued to pack the bags and luggages. They already informed to Gulf's parents that they're leaving today,cause mew will have to attend the classes and the holidays almost end. He will be graduating in 4 months so it wouldn't be a problem for him to focus on his baby and mummy to be after this.

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