Special Chapter(Mewgulf)

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(Sorry for any typos,and happy reading❤️)

[4 years later]

"Ugh...what time is it now..?" Gulf said as he's yawning and looked at the clock

"ah...it's only 10 A.M..." He said before he went to sleep again

"Wait...10 AM?! SHIT-WE'RE LATE" The brunette woke up and went out of the bed,then he woke the older up

"BABE. WAKE UP,ITS 10 AM WE'RE LATE FOR THE EVENT" Gulf yelled while putting their outfits on the table. Mew lazily opened his eyes and rubbed it,before he yawned and continued to sleep

Gulf went into their children's bedroom hurriedly,he's about to wake them up when he saw Alex was all done with Natasha and He was styling his little sister's hair

"Oh,hewo papa! I heard that you got an event to attend today,swo i woke my sissy up and i help her preparing herself!i also made some breakfast...it's cereals" Alex said as Natasha cheered happily because her brother did her hair

Alex and Natasha are 4,but Alex is mature and always understand the situation. There's one time where Mew and Gulf were doing it,and Alex accidentally disturbed so he went out quietly and increased his song on his Ipad so Natasha won't heard them

"Awh darling,thank you so much!!" Gulf picked him up and kissed his cheeks again and again

"Papa...me want up up too..." Natasha protest and started to pout

Mew came in,all done with his outfits and hair,looking as hot as possible "Amorcito,let me take care of the kids. Go and change now,we're getting late" He said as he's picking Natasha up,Mew brought kids to the kitchen and he saw a cereals with a jug of milk on the table

"Daddy,we prepared it together!" The kids said while went and sat on the chairs proudly. Mew giggles and nodded "What a good boy,you really deserve a present~"

Alex's eyes brightened and Natasha pouted more

"Daddy,i've been a rweally good girl!i want reward too"

Mew chuckles before he kissed her cheeks and said "My princess has always been a good girl" Then she gave Mew a peck on his lips "Me want to marry daddy!"  Alex rolled his eyes and put the cereal in the bowls on the table.

Gulf went to the kitchen "Come on hubby,eat your food kids! we have to arrive the venue before 11:30"  Alex nodded and eat his food,while Mew's feeding natasha

"Papa,when will me and daddy get marry?"  Gulf chocked on his food.

"Honey,you can't marry daddy" Natasha pouted "Whyyyyy??" 

Then Alex said casually "Lgbt is accepted,but not alabama tho." Mew coughed and Gulf shocked, "Honey,where did you learn those things?!" Alex answered dryly "internet..." Leaving the young girl confused

"Okay hubby,honey lets go. Its already 11:10 Am"  Gulf said as he put the dishes in the sink and took the key car. Then he gave it to Mew while the kids get in the car

"Amorcito~" Mew called Gulf as he hugged the younger from the back. Gulf just smiled and turned to look at him before he wrapped his hand around Mew's nape

"Yes hubby?"  Gulf answered softly

Mew went closer and kissed him "i love you so much,thank you for coming into my life" Gulf kissed him back and chuckled

"You said it to me everyday. I guess you really are obsessed with me hubby"

Mew smiled sheepishly and kissed his cheeks as he sniffed it,after that they went into the car and quickly went to the event.

[ at the event]

"Bright,Win!congratulations!" Mew and Gulf congrats the newly wedded.

"Ah Mew,Gulf,thank you na~ Please have a seat at the VIP section,Poom and Milly are also there!" Bright said as Mew and Gulf nodded,they brought the kids to the VIP section and...

"HUBBY!!!!" a cute 3 years old ran and hugged Alex tightly.

"LOUIS,I ALREADY TOLD YOU TO NOT CALL ME HUBBY,I AM NOT YOUR HUBBY" Alex said while trying to push Louis away from him.

Louis is the only son of Poom and Milly,they got married to each other last 3 years and decided to adopt a cute little boy. On Alex and Natasha's 4th birthday,Louis started to cling around Alex and called him "hubby/baby" because he said Mew and Gulf did it too.

"I will marry you swo you will be my hubby" Louis said as he smiled sheepishly

"no Louis...i'm not gay. im all sure that im attracted to girl" Alex said dryly and Mew just in the back,holding his laugh.

"Alex,no hate but you never date girls before-and even kiss a girl AHAHAHAHAHA so how are you so sure?HAHAHAHA" Mew said while laughing loudly,catching all the guest attention

"Daddy,my first kiss will be a girl!" Alex said while stumping his feets. Louis suddenly pulled him closer and kissed him on the lips

Alex stunned for a while before he reacted. "NUHHHHHHH" Louis smiled and held his hand "Now hubby,we're dwating(dating) !!! Yweayyyy"

Mew laughed harder and Gulf came and kicked his dick. "Babe,behave." Mew pouted and nodded,he's holding the pain and then he hugged the younger and went to the seat.

Alex gave Louis a death stare before he said "I dwon't like you. and again..i'm not your hubby. and i will never be,dummy" And he went to the seat,leaving Louis alone. Louis held his tears before he went to his moms and acted like its all fine. 'i am adopted,i should behave and be mature so mummy and mama won't disown me..' Louis said to himself. the little 3 years old kid,was sad from the day where he understood the meaning of 'adopted'


Aww our baby Louis! Guess who's the top! LOUIS OR ALEX?😶‍🌫️

so this is the special chapter of MewGulf💗 thanks for reading and also! i decided to call you guys "Mochis" cause idk it sounds cute😭❤️ so stay safe mochis,stay at home,wear mask and thanks for reading again!💗💗

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