Q&A with the characters!!

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hi,i did a Q&A section/chapter so some of your questions are answered❤️

Q: How did you actually fell in love with Gulf?(for mew)

Mew: Well the same answer as how did god exist,We'll never know and i don't even know how,but don't worry tho!i still love him and i will love him till the day i die *simp*

Q:What is the ingredient for the love potion?😳 uh- for "educational" purpose. (For Gulf)

Gulf: be me. that's all you need😏🤚

Q:What is your biggest fear?(For both)

Gulf: Losing someone...And being blind..also when someone forgot about me and being replaced...

Mew: Gulf's pho.

Q:what will be the name of the babies?(For both)


Mew: Kanasha

Gulf:...we agreed that it will be natasha and alexander.

Mew: But-

Gulf: im the mother so it's my choice.

Mew: fine-

Q:what is your biggest dream? (for both)

Gulf: To travel around the world,and also to eat a lot of foods and to be together with my lovely boyfriend as we grow older🥰

Mew:....Bdsm with Gulf-


Q: will this story have a happy ending?(For both)

Mew:Yes don't worry,it is a happy ending😊

Gulf: Wait,what if i messed up and it turned out as a sad ending😳

Mew: baby...don't bully the reader...


Q: who did you suspected to be the culprit? (For mew)

Mew:i don't really think it's Joong,cause he knew nothing about this potion and the person who knows the most are Nine and Bright...So yeah..

Gulf: okay spoiler it's actually -

Mew: BABY NO- *cover gulf's mouth-* NEXT QUESTION,FASTERR

Q:what is the name of Poom's new gf?(For Mew)

Mew: it's actually Milly! And she's so pretty,im not shocked tho when Poom told me she is her girlfriend

Gulf: Be ready to sleep on Milly's couch tonight🙂🔪

Mew: Baby no-

Q:when will you accept Mew's confession? (For Gulf)

Gulf; i already did but well,i'm a good son(PLEASE TAKE ME AS A GOOD EXAMPLE,except of the facts that i almost poisoned my crush,and being pregnant before marriage-) so i decided to tell my parents about it first!

Q:How many rounds did you guys do it in the bakery?

Mew; uh that's kinda uncomfortable-

Gulf: 5 rounds only. Usually more than that but im pregnant right now so-

Q:can we got any spoiler..?

Mew: Well,this story almost reach the end,And author will do a special side couple chapter for each couple! (Brightwin,Joongnine and Poommilly)

Gulf: easy to say Prem almost succeed but then-


Gulf: as if i care-🙄

That's all for now!thank you for supporting this story!i will update soon <3

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