Explanation for this story

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Just some explanation about this story,i know that mostly of you don't really understand the plot.

1) How did actually Mew fell in love with Gulf?Since when? And is it because of the potion?

= Mew fell in love with Gulf since their first met where they're bumped into each others (the first chapter) .

=So it's actually since the first chapter!

=Mew didn't actually drink the potion. So on the day where Gulf drop the potion into Mew's sprite,Joong was also in the toilet,and both of them bought the same drink. Gulf dropped the potion into Joong's sprite,not mew's sprite. And Mew drank his sprite,not Joong's. And then he felt unwell because of the expired bread that Joong gave him,and it mixed with the sprite. While Gulf's bringing Mew to the sick room,he threw Joong's sprite into the bin(aka the one who Gulf dropped the potion,because he thought that mew drink that one) . After that,Joong went out but he didn't find Mew,so he looked and there's only 1 can of sprite(its mew's) . So he thought that Mew already went away.

2)But how about the part where Mew broke up with Poom on the same day where mew confessed to gulf.

= if you read the character chapter,you will see this on Mew's personality. "well know as a player" . So basically ever since before Mew drank the sprite,he already planned on breaking up with Poom that day,but then when he was in the sick room with Gulf, his feeling for Gulf started to grow but he don't want to admit it yet,so he thought to himself...Why not he plays with the nerd's feelings? But it turned up,while he was having a dinner with him,he ended up liking the younger for real and decided to forget about playing him.

3)What will happen to Mew if he drink the potion for real?

= die.

4)How come Mew and Nine ended up as siblings?

= So basically,Nine's dad is married to Mew's mom. Because Nine's mom cheated on Nine's dad with Prem's dad. eversince that day,Prem's mom started to be stress because she still can't move on with her ex-husband,so she started to blame prem for everything, Prem felt like nobody loves him,until the day he met Mew (You can read it on chapter 'don't deal with the outsiders' )

5)What about Mew's dad?

= he died when Mew was 10.

6)Still,why Mew and Nine didn't have the same surname?

= Mew insisted to keep Jongcheveevat as his surname,so they just let him.

7)Is poom really okay with Mew being with Gulf?

= yeah,she's all fine now. Not gonna lie,when Mew firstly broke up with her,she's having a mental breakdown. But then after that,she met milly and then they got close to each others,and poom felt a connection which she never felt before. and then,she confessed to her and they started dating. And also,Milly is Mew's cousin. So poom and mew met and Milly's house and they have a talk and solved everything out.

8)Why did bright agree to help Prem?

= His family was facing bankruptcy and he desperately needs money. And Prem's mom can't accept it when she found out that Poom,her favorite daughter is a lesbian. So she kicked her out . And then Prem's mom threatened Bright that he will hurt Win,and Mew. But bright can't do anything except to accept .

That's all for now i guess? If there's anything else to ask,you can comment in the comments section,and i will add it to this chapter with the answer! stay safe mochis <3 author love you na❤️

-your author, mewwwie

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