First Day Of Hell

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(sorry for any typos,and happy reading <3)

—No one's POV—


'Aaaaaaah!Lastly!!!I'm home' Gulf thought as he got off the car. He looked around while smiling and took a deep breathe before exhaling and stretched a little bit. The ride took like an hour and 30 minutes to arrive from Bangkok to Kanchanaburi. He was about to take a look at his boyfriend when he heard someone was yelling


Mew ran away while being chased by Gulf's *pho,He's holding a Hand Saw and chasing Mew furiously

( *pho/pa: Father in thai *Mae/Ma: Mother in thai )


Gulf's Pho said while throwing the hand saw away,and pulled Mew's ears before he twisted it hardly.

"O-OUCH PHO OF COURSE YOUR SON IS A BOY,I MEAN,there's no humanbeing that called their male child that isn't trans or wanted to be called as a girl,daughter unless that person got a mental illness"

Mew said while trying to free himself from Gulf's Pho. Pho slapped Mew's shoulder harder again and again until Gulf's Mae came and saved the poor guy from her husband.

"Are you trying to kill our future son-in-law or something?!!" She spoke meanwhile Mew was hiding behind her back,sticking his tounge out at Pho,feeling all satisfied to see the old guy can't do anything at him because Mae's here.Pho looked at him madly before he went to the kitchen.Then Mew took all the luggages that was in the car's back and went in the house.

"My son!!I miss you so much,do you know that?You must be busy past these weeks! I'm so happy when you called and told us that you're staying here for 3 weeks,and the best part is,Mew is here too!"

Mae said contentedly while holding Gulf's hand before she continued

"How's my grandchilds?Are they okay? And Mew,about the accident that happened...I forgive you,it's not 100% your faults,but don't let anything bad happens to my precious son again,I trust you"

Mew nodded before he replied "Yes mae,thank you for understanding...I will do my best to take care of him"

Mae smiled as she patted his back,"Good,now lets go Mew,join us for breakfast. After this you can unpack your things and rest"

They gathered at the kitchen and Gulf was sitting next to his Pho,while Mew sat infront of Gulf,facing him and next to Gulf's Mae.

"Mew,can you eat spicy food?" Mae asked him

"I can't eat spicy food..i'm not used to it" Mew replied while he took a look at the dishes,then pho suddenly took the spiciest dishes and put a lot of it in Mew's plate.

"Eat this kiddo,as a guy,MOSTLY A TOP,You need to be stronger,NOT WEAK,Because even my son Gulf,THAT IS A BOTTOM,can eat spicy.It will be a shame if you can't eat this" Pho told him while smirking evilly,as his plan worked out very well.

Mew was looking all pale,in his whole life,he never ate a thing that's spicy like this. It is Pad Prik and Mew thinks that they made it more spicy than the usual Pad Prik that's already spicy. He gulped before he slowly took a spoon of it,and slowly put it in his mouth. Gulf was looking at him with worried,can he actually eat it?Then Gulf prepared a glass of water cause he's sure that Mew will be needing it.

Mew ate it...Its all quiet until the spicy started to hit his throat.

"Baby this is so spicy-" Mew drank the whole jug of water and still need more water to make the spicy disappear. He's sweating while pho's laughing at him. Gulf hitted his pho's hand angrily "Pho,it ain't nice." But his pho just looked away unsatisfiedly.

Mew was having a whole time in a hell while finishing the food,and after that he went to the toilet again and again. His tummy was making noises and hurted as hell. Gulf felt bad for his boyfriend,he did all of that just to please his parents,well mostly his Pho. His mae asked Mew to not forcing himself if he can't finish the food but Mew still wanted to finish it to please Gulf's pho.

Gulf was resting in his room when Mew came in and snuggled closer to Gulf.

"Aww...babe,are your stomach okay now?" The younger asked while running his finger through the older's hair gently,as the older's acting all baby with him.

Mew nodded and rested his head on Gulf's chest while conquering the younger. He looked at the younger and pouted,pretending to sulk.

"ohoii,who is the baby now?You or the one in my tummy?" Gulf chuckled and he pulled the older closer to him,rubbing his head on his shoulders.

"stay strong naa~naa naa naaa~my pho always like that but trust me he isn't that bad!" Gulf was making a baby face and blinking his eyes cutely again and again,trying to melt the older's heart. Mew looked away while holding his smile.

"Today is my first day,and he already made me suffered. How am i supposed to survive those 20 days?" Mew hugged his baby and let a sigh,he started to worry about his life. Will he survive these 20 days?

Gulf hugged the big baby back and said "Please,for me and our babies?"

Mew gave up and smiled,Then he hugged Gulf tightly and showered him with tender kisses on his face,He love his Gulfie so much,so it won't be a big deal for him,cause no matter what...Love is the strongest feeling...

There you go!First day of hell for Mew,would you ever think that our MewMew will survive and successfully win Pho's heart to let him having Gulf as his wife/husband?some people say yes,while Mew's writing his letter for Gulf incase he died🤭 Pho! don't kill him okayyy!Your grandchilds need his daddy. By the way have a good day >w< and don't forget to Vote and leave your opinion about this chapter! <3 byebye loves!

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