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—Mew's POV—

i heard it. so i fell in love with him because of the potion's effects?i don't know what to feel right now. i can't be mad at him...but it's his fault tho. he shouldn't let me drink the potion. he should throw it away in the fuckin bin. but now...i can't even hate him..i don't know if this also because of the potion but i can't let him go,i just can't. and now he's planning on letting me go?Ofc fuck nah. i open my eyes slowly to see if he's still awake or not. well he already fell asleep,his cute face with his mouth pouting when he fell asleep..i can watch this all day long.i took some pics of my baby sleeping,will surely use this pic as my new wallpaper ehehe- and then i hugged him and went back to sleep

its already 2pm when i woke up,realizing that gulf's not here beside me really ruin my mood. then he came in half naked...damn that body..fair and soft skin...can't wait to devour this angel.

"phi,what do you want to eat?" he asked me

"everything is fine bii" i answered him

then he went to the closet and and choose a shirt to wear. he looks so damn perfect...i can't take my eyes off him. then he sat beside me and keep looking at me. i wonder what's he thinking about while looking at me.

"do you want to eat shushi?" he asked me while looking at his phonescreen,scrolling throught some food delivery apps to find something to eat.

"well everything is fine for me"

"yes i know phi but what do you want to eat right now?i can buy it"



ah shit.i accidentally said that. Fuck mew wtf did you just said aghhhhhhg ISTG I DIDN'T MEAN IT- well...i do- BUT STILL NOT NOW IM SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT HE'S STILL NOT READY FOR THAT PLU-

"sure phi"


"wait are you serious-"

"well phi ofc you can,when im ready duh. what did you expected?" he said while giving me a "suprise shawty" look. yeah totally cool.

"aww,i really thought you said yes" i said,pretending to be sulking

"oihh phiiii,you said that you will be waiting for me to be ready,where's the promise sir-haish" then gulf came closer to make and gave me a quick kiss on my lips

"get ready boo,we're having lunch. if you're late then i'll just go alone"  wait-DID HE JUST CALLED ME BOO-OH GOD YESSS MEWW,NEW ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED BOOYAH! YE YE YE YE I GOT BUTTERFLIES IN MY STOMACH. soon,we're going to date each other!haish,can't wait for that day to come... but wait- AHAHA I BETTER GET READY NOW-

"Okay wifey~please wait for your husband naaa!naa naa naa~" i said while giving him a teasing smile,ouuuii he's blushing so hard and went out of the room. what a cute angel.

i took like 20 minutes to get myself ready,and then we went to the cafe,ordered our food and talking about random things while waiting for our food to be prepared. i was looking at him all the time...his cute face,his shy expression,like how tf my old self hasn't find this cute? i knew it,i was blind back then. we were enjoying our lunch date untill these cock-blockers came...who's else it will be if its not joong and bright?

"CAN I HAVE YOUR BOYFRIEND FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE?SAY YES SAY YES CAUSE I-" joong was singing that song to me,but then i gave him the death stare...shout out to nine for teaching me this trick

"I MEAN SAY NO,SAY NO,CAUSE I WANT TO LIVE LONGER-IM SURE I'LL NEVER GET YOUR BLESSING FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE- HAHAHAHA CHILL DUDE NOT THE JALAPENO-" Joong yelled when i was about to throw the jalapeno chilli at his face. he deserves it trust me.

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