saving Dad!

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Freds eyes were tightly shut and he looked like nothing could harm him... right now anyway. outside a war was brewing and he would soon have to awaken from that slumber to fight. at least we could do that hand in hand. 

i smiled at him and stroked his cheek. still he didn't stir. i sighed and carefully got out of bed in hope of not awakening him just yet. i had a shower and got changed into some jeans and a pale blue long sleeved blouse before getting some breakfast.

today i was going to see my dad. i though that if a war was going to erupt soon i might as well make amends. saving my dad would be the first one. i do miss him and i'd hate for one of us to die without making up. 

i pulled on my boots and wrote a note to fred to let him know where i was going before grabbing my wand and apperating to the meddow outside the place i once called my home.

the cream bricks still stood opposite the daisy filled meddow- it still looked like my home from the outside. i carefully approched the house not wanting to disrupt the peace. i tapped at the door and it swung open. i panicked. i didn't think about what could be waiting for me before i ran in. 

the house was turned upside down and blood stains laid fresh on the carpet. bloody hand prints gave me a path. i preformed the patronus charm and an eagle shot out in front of me.

"go to dumbledore, then sirius and remus and then fred. tell them i might be in trouble and i may need some back at the diggory cottage. and please hurry theres blood everywhere" i whispered- incase of unwelcome guests. 

the eagle left me on my own and i tip-toed up the stairs. thats when i saw him...

my dad...

he was tied in the middle of the room with a few death eaters surrounding. he was heavily bleeding. he spotted me and a tear ran down his face as he motioned for me to go. i shook my head stubbonly. no way was i letting these freaks kill my dad.

"stupify" i cast and one death eater flew and hit the wall. the other turned to me.

"crucio" he yelled but i rolled out of the way and cast "expliarmus." 

i ran to untie my dad. "behind you" he yelled. but he was too late and within seconds i was writhing around in agony.

i was exhausted after a while. but my dad couldn't save me. he was too busy fighting hte other death eater. i heard other people arrive and within minutes the pain was over but couldn't unglue my eyes. i felt people around me.

"your okay jadee. your going to be okay" that was fred.

"we better get her to a hospital. she's bleeding" that was dad.

"your bleeding to." that was remus.

then i was lifted and i passed out.

jadee diggory (a fred weasley love story)Where stories live. Discover now