graves and snakes

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On Christmas eve, myself, Harry and Hermione found our selves in front of aunt Lily, aunt Nina, uncle James and mums graves. After years of wondering where my mother was buried, I finally found her.

But our short session of mourning had been cut short by Harry spotting someone watching us... and Harry, being Harry, decided to follow her.

He really attracts danger.

The stalker had been revealed as bathilda bagshot. But she didn't seem to live to her legend as a gossip.... she stayed quiet the entire time.

Once inside her house we had looked around while Harry followed the old woman upstairs.

Her house was dull and smelt damp. Cracked photos decorated the walls and her once beautiful possessions now littered the floor.


Noise from upstairs rattled through the floor boards. Harry called out to us and we came running. Before us was a gigantic snake that flung itself wildly towards Harry.

It hissed as it threw itself towards us. Hermione grabbed mine and Harry shoulders before apperating us to a new place.

Before me harry an unconscious Harry next to his busted up and and heroine laying there cowering.

jadee diggory (a fred weasley love story)Where stories live. Discover now