my revenge

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"miss diggory would you put your wand away" umbridge said as she walked past me.

"i was it just fell out of my bag." i said as I slipped it into my shoe where I knew it wouldn't escape.

"maybe you should find a better place to keep it" she said.

"i just did" i say.

"stop with the back chat" she demanded.

"i didn't.." i start but the o-so-evil one cut me off.

"detention tonight... 6pm sharp" she yells.

"what for?" i ask.

"for back chatting me!" she yells again before storming off.

"phyco bitch" i mutter.

"what's got you in a mood" george asked as he slung his arm over my shoulder.

"umbridge gave me a detention tonight" i say.

"but we have a meeting tonight" hope says... we're in this group harry, hermione and ron started called dumbledores army.

"yeah but it's at 9 the detentions at 6" i say shrugging.

"yeah bit those detentions sometimes last until midnight and some over that" hope says.

"okay then hey george where's fred" i ask.

"common room why" he asks.

"no reason see you later" i say as I run off.

"jadee ariel diggory get back here and tell me what's going on" george yelled.

"how did you know my middle name" i yell back.

"i have my sources" he yells.

"stupid hope" i mutter before running off hearing the distant sounds of georges protests


"Freddie I need your help" i say popping on his lap.

"what do you need?" he asks smiling.

"oh we have a meeting tonight" i say.

"yeah. and?" he asks.

"oh I just need to get even with umbridge "

"so basically you need me to do something that means she won't be able to attend your detention and you'll be a free woman" he says repeating me.

"yep" i say

"perfect. don't worry you'll be out of detention! "

jadee diggory (a fred weasley love story)Where stories live. Discover now