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harry got here last night while i was asleep so i was most supprised to find him here when i went to wake ron up, harry was in the bed across. we were about to collect the school things and molly was pleased with mine and hopes help buying things.

diagonally looked like a fire had run through it and torn everything to shreds. it was quite deppressing. our last stop was the joke shop. even i hadn't been here yet. i was going to get a job here but fred didnt want me to see it till it was done, and let me just say it looked magnificent- and that was just from the outside.

my mouth dropped as i entered the shop. the sight before me was enticing- just amazing. i scanned the shelves with awe and wonder. how did they come up with all of this? how long did it take to make it all? 

"you like?" a cocky voice asked from behind me. i spun round and grinned up at my ginger haired boyfriend.

"its brilliant. its- its- its" i couldnt get my words out.

"i see your speechless" george says appearing next to fred.

"yeah." i smiled at him. "really guys this it fantastic. how did you do this?" 

"it took a while but we had a lot of products saved back from the last few years and it all worked out. were in the process of making more" fred says.

"well. well done." i congratulate them locking freds lips in a kiss before skipping off in search of ginny.

i found her by some fluffy creatures (can someone tell me the name. i cant remember and i'm not at home so i can't refer back). they were in cages, they came in pink and purple and blue and green, orange and yellow and red. an aray of colour scattered around. they looked so friendly and ginny had one curled in her lap.

"im buying this one" ginny told me holding up a pink fluff ball. it nuzzled against her hands and she brought it back to her face where it rubbed against her cheek. 

i smiled and picked up a sad looking purple one. he looked like he was unwanted and nobody wanted him, but as soon as my hands touched him he looked at me hopefully. i smiled down and him and he seemed to jump with exitement. i brought him to my face and he rubbed my cheek. i put him on my shoulder and he seemed too happy for words.

"you've taken a liking to him?" fred asked from behind me.

"i love him" i siad facing fred and giving the fur ball a stroke.

"you can have him for free. he's been moping about for days so depressed..." george started

"he was reserved 4 times but they all ended up picking a different one" fred told me.

"i want him" i said looking at fred hopefully and he nodded. "i will call him jeff."

"jeff?" george asked.

"yes jeff, you know short for jeffert?" i saked sarcastically before grabbing a blue cage and placing my new friend inside.

jadee diggory (a fred weasley love story)Where stories live. Discover now