helping harry

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me and fred apperated to the burrow and walked inside where most of the order were waiting. tonight was the night we fetched harry. george, hope and eva entered shortly followed by fleur and bill. we were all here. moody stood up and faced the awaiting faces of the order. since dumbledore's death moody had taken charge.

"the plan is for george, fred, hermione, hope, ron, jadee, eva, mundungas and fleur to be the decoy harrys while sirius, remus, tonks, allysia, arthur, bill, charlie, kingsly and myself will be the protectors. hagrid will escort the rea harry." moody ordered.

"you know harry won't willingly go for this plan, right?" i asked.

"yes, if he refuses we use force... miss granger will take his hair if need be." moody said.

"right so george you'll be with me, fred wirh arthur, fleur and bill, hermionie and kingsly, moody and mundungas, hope and allysia, eva and charlie and jadee and sirius." remus said. ron shot tonks a glance.

elsa, ginny, lola, leo and mrs weasley were staying behind. elsa, leo and ginny were not happy. lola didn't really know what was going on.

elsa looked worried so i dropped freds hand and went to her. i sat on my knees infront of her and held both of her hands in mine before reasuring her in french, "il sera correct. tout le monde sera d'accord. je te aime Elsa"

"i know" she whispered.

i got up and walked to fred. "you will fly there in different pairs so that the death eaters that may be watching wont know who's who" moody said.


we arrived in little whinging and landed on the dursleys front lawn. i quickly jumped off the back of freds broom and knocked on the door. the door opened and i threw myself at my cousin.

"hi jadee... can't... breathe" harry wheezed.

"sorry. i missed you" i said pulling away.

"okay, okay. we can catch up when we get inside but for now we don't know if we were followed" moody spoke up.

"yeah sure come in" harry said stepping aside.

the living room was bare apart from the wall paper that coated the walls. harry stood in the middle of the room while we stood around the outside waiting for moody to explain so that we could get this over and done with.

"one second i need to get my things." harry said turning to leave.

"hold on potter. diggory lovegood, you know the plan go get potters things" moody ordered.

"ay ay sir" me and hope said mock saluting him.

when we got back down we placed his things by the front door and walked back into the room. the air felt thick and i then knew there was arguing.

"i told you he wouldnt agree, its up to you hermione" i said

"what?" harry started to ask but hermione pulled his hair out and dropped it into the flask that moody held in front of him. "oww hermione"

"sorry" she replied sheepishly.

"decoy harrys step forward." moody ordered. mundungas was pushed forward though the rest of us willingly did as we were asked.

"no i can't let you do this" harry said

"its not like we want to harry..." george started

"imagine if we ended up a specky scrawny git forever" fred gasped.

"i must warn you, this tastes like goblin piss" moody informed up.

"tasted a alot of goblin piss have you moody?" fred asked and moody shot his a glare. "just trying to defuse the tention"

fred and george took gulps and began to change. one by one mundungas, eva, fleur, hope ron and hermione took gulps. i took a swig before the flask was taken from me. i gagged and my body felt like it was burning. i shrunk a few inches and my skin felt like it was bubbling. certain body parts seemed to disapear and some were replaced.

"put these on" moody grunted, throwing a sack of identical clothing to put on along with some glasses which were needed greatly.

"wow harry your eye sight is terriable." i commented as i got changed.

"wheres the real harry" moody asked, harry put his hand up. "you're going with hagrid"

"i brought you here all those years ago its only fitting i take you away" hagrid commented.

we lined up on the lawn each harry had a fake hedwig and a trunk to fly with. moody motioned for us to go and we all followed behind. hagrid and harry tore ahead, he'd been given instructions to keep going until he got there and not to turn back.

within moments of being in the air we were sammed by death eaters. curses were being fired back and forth. i saw many harrys and their protectors swerve off to their safe houses but moody wasn't going to make it. a green light struck moody in the chest and he fell down. mundungas apperated out of sight.

"jadee" i heard sirius call before i blacked out.


i opened my eyes to see sirius and another woman kneeling over me. i saw tonks and ron run towards us. "andromeda, she's awake." sirius called to the woman who was now hugging tonks.

"are you okay dear?" she asked checking me over.

"yeah. how long was i out" i asked

"only ten minutes. a death eater caught you with some curse as i was coming down to land." sirius explained.

"we better get to that port key" tonks said, "bye mum" she hugged the woman as ron and sirius helped me up.

i stumbled so ron grabbed me around the waist to keep me steady. i limped over to the old boot and we each placed our hands on it. i never liked portkeys so i kept my eyes closed until i felt my feet were firmly on the ground.

i saw elsa, leo, harry, hermione and ginny run towards us. harry hugged me then elsa, leo and ginny hugged me. sirius took over helping me limp to the burrow. when fred saw me he rushed to me revealing his broken and bloody brother.

"i'm glad your okay" he whispered

"im glad you are too" i reply "whats wrong with george"

"his ear was cut off by snape. hes fine now, lost quite a bit of blood though" he said.

i was roughly grabbed by the shoulder with a wand at my neck. it was remus, sirius tried to get him off me. "what did you get sirius for christmas?" remus barked

"a dog biscuit and basket" i said, panicking.

"sorry. someone betrayed us, i'm feeling paranoid" remus admitted.

"wheres hope?" george croaked and i walked over to him

"i don't know..." i said anioxiously.

"will she still love me even if i have one ear?" he muttered

"she'd love you no matter what" i told him as hope ran through the door to us.

eva and fleur followed closely behind and they both wrapped me in a hug along with hope.

"wheres mad-eye" mr weasley asked

"a death eater got him, mundungus apperated away when he saw him get hit. moodys dead" i told them. i lent on fred though i could walk okay now.

bill poured out some fire whiskeys and passed them around. we all, with the exeption of ginny, elsa, leo and lola, had one. "to mad-eye" bill raise his glass.

"to mad-eye" we all replied.

jadee diggory (a fred weasley love story)Where stories live. Discover now