the escape

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we landed on a random london street, nobody noticed our sudden appearence but they did give us funny looks. we were all dressed up in fancy clothes and i looked like a runaway bride. 

"why are we here?" harry asked.

"i don't know, we had to get away and this is the first place i thought of." hermione answered before dragging us into an allyway. 

hermione passed me my bag and we went through it to get our clothes. i tossed harry his clothes and hermione found rons.

"i left my backpack at the burrow." harry said but hermione pulled it out and chucked him it. "you girls are amazing"

"i know." i said picking up my bag. a loud bang was heard and i shot hermione a look. "that'll be your books" harry and ron gave hermione a funny look before we all went to get changed.

after stuffing all of our wedding clothes into my bag we walked into a coffee shop. we sat at a table as a bored looking waitress approached us. "can i take your order"

"i'll have a cappuccino" hermione said and harry asked for one two. ron just looked confused and asked for the same.

"i'll have a latte" i said and she nodded before walking off. "so whats the plan?" 

"well we need somewhere to go" ron said.

"what about headquarters... there isn't anyone there at the moment, sirius doesn't go there anymore and nobody will think we're there" i told them as two men walked through the door.

"thats a good idea.... DUCK" harry called as a spell was shot at us. 

"stupify" "expelliarmas" me and hermione fired spells quickly, knocking them out. 

ron used the deluminator he had been given yesterday as part of dumbledores will to get rid of the lights.


mr weasley approached the house t]with the new minister of magic. i really couldn't be bothered to remember his name. he asked to speak to me, ron, harry and hermione. we sat on the sofa, opposite the minister as he pulled out a few objects.

"we have been goin g through dumbledores will..." the minister started.

"why have you been going through dumbledores will?" harry demanded.

"we don't really trust dumbledore so we had to make sure" the minister told him sharply. "to miss hermione granger i leave to you my copy of 'the tales of beedle the bard'." he passed hermione a book. "to mr ronald weasley i leave my deluminator"

ron was passed something that somewhat resembled a lighted. "what does it do?" he muttered as he flicked it. the lights went out, flying into the deluminator. he flicked it again and the lights went back on. "cool"

"to miss jadee diggory i leave this box of precious possetions. i hope you find it useful in life, use it well" he passed me a small wooden chest, around the same size as shoe box. i decided not to go through it while the minister was here. "and finally to mr harry potter i leave to you the snitch you caught in your first match" the minister passed harry the snitch. "he also left you the sword of gryfindor but as that was not his to give away i shall take it back"

"is that all minister?" i asked tiredly.

"why would dumbledore leave gifts to four children" he snapped.

"because he did you obviously didn't know dumbledore very well" harry said before walking out the room, the three of us following behind

*back to present*

"death eaters" ron told us shaking our head.

"how did they know we were here?" harry asked.

"are they traking us" hermoine asked

"they can't be none of us have the trace anymore." i said shaking my head.

"they might know where we're going and if they report it to you-know-who snape will tell them where we are" ron said.

"we'll have to get rid of their memorys" i said looking at hermione.

"obliviate" we said. white whisps floated out before going into this air.

"we better go." i said looking around. i grabbed hold of the trio and apperated.

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