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dad was depressed, deeply so. Leo was ill, became so shortly after Cedrics death. elsa and i were with her dad, remus, because I couldn't handle my home anymore. home was to depressing everything reminded me of cedric and i couldn't handle it.

today we were going to headquarters of the order of the Phoenix. there me and Elsa would have the future of our attendance at whatever school to be decided by remus, Sirius black, albus Dumbledore and best of all Mrs weasley. as dad wasn't really up to make my decisions for me.

I had my trunk which I'd cast an expansion charm on, and I apperated to the place that remus had written for me to remember on a piece of paper which we then burnt. I apperated, as I'd passed my test last year, first time unlike Cedric.

unlike Cedric.... Cedric . I frowned,

I'm completely off topic. I could really stop doing that.

I arrived outside as the house was opening up and remus beckoned me and Elsa through. I grimaced as I was faced with the colours of slytherin. me, being a Gryffindor at heart, were enemies and completely against anything slytherin. they didn't particularly like or accept veelas either, oh well they can shove it where the sun don't shine. I'm part veela and proud!!

I walked into the kitchen where I was attacked in a bone crushing hug from Mrs weasley herself. when she pulled away she looked at me and smiled sadly. she would know how I felt at loosing a brother as her younger brothers, Fabian and Gideon, died fighting in the first war. killed by the same monsters!

“how are you dear?" she asked kindly.

"better" I replied simply. herself and remus exchanged looks. I saw out the corner of my eye.

"the twins are upstairs" she said. "I'm sure they'd love to see you, why don't you go up?"

"no thank you. I'm fine here" I said facing away from them.

"if your sure" she said

"yeah I'm sure" I said putting my head in my handy and letting a few silent tears fall. she, slightly disheartened, left the room and Elsa sat next to me and coaxed my hands away from my eyes.

"don't cry j. be strong! that's how Cedric and auntie liza would want life for you" she said and I was vaguely aware of remus, Sirius, Fred and George standing slightly away.

"but... but... I can't mum died because of me and Cedric died for no reason." I blubbered

"you need to be strong for uncle Amos" she told me, that didn't help.

"why should I be strong for the ADULT, he never even acted like anything about me or Leo mattered before I mean is he having this conversation with me. no. is he sitting in the hospital next to Leo's bedside. no. no. he's sitting at home drinking bottles after bottles of fire whiskey not caring if the rest of us have feelings." I thundered before breaking down. Elsa along with four others knelt down beside me.

"it's okay. you'll be okay." George said. I heard a smack.

"does she look okay. have you just lost your brother. no" Elsa snapped. I suddenly realized that Elsa smacked him.

"did you his George" I asked looking up.

"um... no?" she tried looking nervous.

"did you change him in anyway?" I asked.

"maybe. he looks okay but I don't know how his brain works" she sighed.

"did you brake him" I asked

"maybe" she shrugged.

"good girl" I beamed. she hugged he tightly.

"she's alright" Fred said.

"finally" Elsa sighed

"glad your feeling a bit better" Ginny said walking in and hugging me.

jadee diggory (a fred weasley love story)Where stories live. Discover now