I'm facing what???!!!

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I was sitting down by the lake, it was warm but breezy. I couldn't help but feel nervous about what I might be doing for the first task. for some reason everything I thought of the tournament the book the hunger games crossed my mind. though their nothing alike, they fought for welfare she fought for her sister, to save her. this tournament is all about glory, it's all that's really cared about, the money and the glory.

I heard foot steps approach behind me and saw my cousin, Elsa Keenan. she attends beaubaxtons with my and for some reason madam Maxine had to send for her to come here. I don't know why, I don't seem to know much do I?

"Madame Maxine would like to see you" she said all cutely, she's only a first year.

"thanks Elsa. see you later okay, go find ced!" I said and she scampered off. I chuckled lightly before walking towards the carriage.

Madame Maxine sat in her pompously large chair looking down on me. "ah, jadee, I need you to meet me here at midnight, bring your invisibility cloak" she said, "goodbye."

"okay, see you later Madame" I said. my invisibility cloak was something my mother left in her will too me. Madame Maxine only knows because she caught me with it.

at around midnight I changed in the room filed with soft snores before quietly closing the door and running to the common room.

"ah, your here, your cloak?" she checked

"right here Madame" I said showing her

"good, put it on when you here a knock them follow me. I have know idea what we are viewing but 'agrid said it was to do with the first task, go back when ever after and do not reveal your self" she said. a knock echoed and I threw the cloak over myself before following hagrid and Madame Maxine.

we followed the path of the Forbidden forest before we heard loud roars and diverted of course. when we stopped flame filed the bitter night air, hearing it up unnaturally. Madame Maxine got closer to the shapes. an invisibility cloak fell to the ground and Harry was revealed.

"dragons... that's the first task?" Harry hissed

I'm facing what ?????!!!!!!!

I tore through the forest and back to the common room before flopping on a sofa "Dragons. Pourquoi l'enfer sanglant at-il besoin d'être dragons. Je vais mourir. Je n'y arriverai jamais par ce biais. Merde. Oh merde. Adieu monde cruel." I ranted in French

(a.n. the French means: dragons. why the bloody hell did it have to be dragons. I'm going to die. I'll never make it through this. Crap. Oh crap. goodbye cruel world.)

I quickly ran off to bed. how was I going to tackle the Dragon? what for? why?

jadee diggory (a fred weasley love story)Where stories live. Discover now