the start of the end

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Myself and the rest of the order stood outside the great hall in an awesome formation, if I must say so myself, as we waited for the doors to open. Fred's hand tightly clutched my hand as if letting go might possibly kill him. I couldn't blame him as I felt as though if I let go he may just disappear.

at that moment the doors to the great hall flew open and granted us a view of harry standing in the middle of the room with Mcgonagal, Hermione, Ron and Neville.

"harry." a voiced hissed in my head. it seemed as though it was rippling through everyone elses head too. harry collapsed to the ground.

Everything went cold and the enchanted celling crackled as a blood curdling scream ripped out of a young girls throat. Many ran to her aid, including harry. Elsa suddenly collapsed screaming and me, harry and leo ran to her quickly.

"I know that many of you will want to fight, some of you may even think that you can win.... give me harry potter. Do this and I shall leave hogwarts untouched. give me harry potter and you will be rewarded. you have one hour" the voice hisses. Voldemort.

i open my eye and realise that along with many others I've been clutching my head. That thing really knows how to mess with you. people started whispering and looking pointedly at harry.

"what are you waiting for. go on grab him" the shrill voice of pansy parkinson rang through the hall.

ginny hurried in front of him, shielding him from the slytherins harsh glare. I copied almost imediatly followed by hermione, elsa, leo, ron and the weasleys. fred grabbed my hand back in his and we smiled at each other.

slowly others began to guard him. first the order, then the gryffindors, followed by the hufflepuffs and the ravenclaws. i poked my tongue out at pansy and she glared. fred laughed at my childishness. i grinned widely.

"the children are awake. children in the corridor." filtch yelled running, if you can call it running, into the great hall.

"the children are supposed to be out of bed you blithering idiot" Mcgonagal glared at him

"oh" he said leaning away defensivly, holding his cat to his chest with an offended look masking his face. "sorry ma'am"

"as it happens mr filtch, your arrival is most opportune. if you would, i would like you please to escort miss parkinson and the rest of slytherin house out of the hall" Mcgonagal ordered

"where exactly am i leading them too ma'am"

"the dungeons would do."

cheers erupted as the slytherins were lead from the hall. they followed begrudgingly, sour looked laced their features. i smirked lightly as i lent into fred.

Harry went off somewhere after having a conversation with Mcgonagal. she then turned to the rest of us.

"i can't stop you from from fighting if your 17 or above so if you want to fight you may stay. younger students will be flooed out by?" Mcgonagal scanned the room as hope, eva and fleur raised their hands and she nodded. "jadee diggory? Molly weasley? Professor slughorn? professor flickwitt? would you come with me to put up the shields. "

i followed her and looked at fred, "i'll meet you up on the 7th floor near gryfffindor once i'm done" i said and he nodded.

i saw thousands upon thousands of men approaching and it looked as though me may be out numbered. seamus and neville ran towards the bridge, they were going to blow it up.

as i raised my wand to the sky stone soldiers marched passed me. i turned my head to see Mcgonagal looking pleased with herself and i grinned. i started to mutter spells along with the adults. a shield formed and once we were complete i ran.

i panted as i reached the 7th floor and i ran to the closest tower to gryfindor. fred, lee, george and hope all stood their looking out. i joined them as fred wrapped his arms around my waist, mine around his neck.

i saw the shield begin to collapse and i sighed.

i decided to voice my thoughts, "i guess this is the start"

jadee diggory (a fred weasley love story)Where stories live. Discover now