I'll let you go

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I walked out of dad's room as he heaved himself up out of bed. I walked into Cedrics room, I haven't been in here since last summer, when I still had my big brother. a few tears ran down my cheeks as I took his red hoodie from his wardrobe. it smelt like he'd never gone. I took it with me into my room.

I but on a black dress that had long sleeves and went to thigh length. I slid on by. velvet black heeled boots and ceds hoodie before going down stairs where dad was waiting in a black suit. I picked up the three ties that had been Cedrics that he'd lost and then found. I grabbed dad's arm and apperated us to the site of the memorial service.

remus, allyssia, hope, lola, Leo, elsa, harry, dumbles and cho chang stood outside obviously waiting for me. harry came towards me and then hugged me. he wiped a tear away and gave me a reassuring smile.

"good i thought you'd bailed on us." he said.

"never. I need to say goodbye. I can do this" i said smiling shakily. a black dog whined at my feet and i gave a small smirk. "well it's lovely to see my godfather in doggie form"

"you knew?" harry asked.

"i remembered every little detail, except why Bellatrix wanted me, when the obliviate spell wore off" i said the last bit loudly while glaring at me dad.

"you ready hun? " hope asked linking arms with me.

"as I'll ever be" i said before walking in with sirius at my heels as I took my place at the front everyone looks at me with sympathy but I kept my head held high, that is until the coffin is brought in by remus, Bill, Arthur and Charlie weasley, Kingsley shakabolt and my dad's friend Pete kelps.

I let the tears flow until it was my turn to speak then I acted like a brave gryffindor should and didn't let them see my weakness. I spoke fluently letting each word echo round.

"cedric was more than my brother he was my counselor, my comforter, my protector and best of all my best friend. he was a true hufflepuff loyal, friendly and a great finder. I loved him with all my heart and I still do. when I cried after a bad dream. he was there. when I missed my mum. he was there. he was there for so many events I'm surprised he isn't here right now. I still set the table for him at dinner, I go to stand outside his old classes, I even brought him a birthday present, but he can't see it. but he can have it. here Ced. I love you so much" i said laying a wrapped present and his ties on his coffin.

then it was too much and I collapsed to the floor on tears. fred and hope helped me but the worst thing was that on the back row I saw 4 people cedric, aunt nina, uncle James and my mum. as clear as day.


a.n so why do you think that jadee can see dead people there??

who else found this as emotional as I did??

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